In Hindsight – Heroes, Episode 1-09



Sometimes, the strangest things happen when you Google yourself:

Dear Kevin:

My name is (also) Kevin Wong, and I am the author of the Heroes of Destiny trilogy of books. I was searching the Internet to see what’s going on with “Kevin Wong Heroes of Destiny”, when I was surprised to find that someone named Kevin Wong was writing about Heroes, but as it turns out, it was the new TV show. Anyways, I thought it was ironic and funny, and if you’d like to mention me / my books, as well as a link to my website – – I’d be pleased for you to do that.


Kevin Wong

Well, Kevin, there ya go. The book is probably best described as an East-meets-West Fantasy, and you can find some information about buying the book or reading it via Google Books there. It’s not really my cup of tea – even though I’m a sci-fi fan, the only fantasy books I read are the Shannara series and McCaffrey’s Dragonrider series, although that one has it’s roots in science fiction. Anyways, give it a shot and let him know what you think.

On to the show!

New York, New York
The interesting thing about Nathan is that you get the feeling that he cares deeply for Peter, but does Nathan do what he does to protect his little brother, or to protect his own interests? Even though he’s in bed with Linderman, I still have my doubts as to what Nathan’s true motives are.

Somewhere between Vegas and Odessa
We’re apparently getting some backstory on Niki and Jessica next week, and it’s oddly similar to Grant Morrison’s Cassandra Nova storyline in New X-Men. Cassandra Nova is the “twin” of Charles Xavier, a parasitic being who is the dark shadow of one’s self. In the case of Professor X, this meant that she was able to create her own body and swap it with that of Xavier. In the case of Niki and Jessica, however, they inhabit the same body.

Oh, and if I’ve made Morrison’s New X-Men run sound interesting, I apologize. It’s vastly overrated.

Anyways, Jessica apparently shoots DL, but it doesn’t look like we’ll see what happens there for a couple of weeks.

Chennai, India
Speaking of Professor X, it looks like Mohinder is heading in that direction. He’s discovered the list of metahumans (am I allowed to use that term?) that his father left, and I suppose that we’re to assume that he will find Peter and gather the heroes together.

By the way, I know that every series wants to get the best actors for the roles, but could they have at least found some actors that, you know, LOOKED like Mohinder’s parents?

Midland and Odessa, Texas
Here’s where the bulk of the action takes place. We get shots of Ando in the diner as he seems to be the only one aware that Hiro was here before he teleported back in time. It appears that his attempt to save Charlie was unsuccessful, as she’s still dead.

Meanwhile, things at Dunder-Mifflin Odessa (yes, I know that’s not the name of the company) are not going well, as Isaac paints the Human Torch instead of something that will give HRG insight as to what might happen to Claire at the hands of Sylar. So he grounds her as a preventative measure. Unfortunately, she’s been named the Homecoming Queen (thanks to the school’s freaks and geeks) so she finds a way to go, thanks to Zach, in a method that to me is reminiscent of Zack and Jessie on Saved By the Bell.

Which brings us to the “Save the Cheerleader, Save the World” part of things. In New York, Peter gets a digital image of Issac’s painting, showing him dead. Peter, being the selfless guy he is, goes to Texas anyways. And figures that cheerleader (and mean girl) Jackie is the one he’s meant to save, since she “rescued” people from a burning train. And perhaps she was the cheerleader that he was meant to save, but that’s a mystery for another day.

The fact is that Sylar is also fooled by the lie, and as a result, Claire is safe and Jackie is presumably dead. Peter also dies – or is at least close to death, which again shows one of Isaac’s paintings as accurate, until Claire comes by and Peter mimics her powers to come back to life. I know that all you comic book fans aren’t surprised by this. Peter is subsequently arrested, but I think that he may be “rescued” by HRG, Eden and the Haitian.

Speaking of which, it’s nice to see that Sylar isn’t unstoppable. We see why he prefers the shadows and the element of surprise, as Eden uses her Jedi mind tricks to distract him long enough for the Haitian to take him out. Mind you, he seemed to have recovered quickly from that fall, so that could be an issue for HRG’s associates.

Next week, Heroes bucks the “One Year Later” trend and looks six months back, giving us a look back at what happened before everything started. Or it could just be one big retcon. Either way, I can’t wait.

That’s all for this week.

Sir Linksalot: Heroes

Kevin has been an Insider since 2003, writing on a variety of topics ranging from The Amazing Race to Mixed Martial Arts. His current hobbies include Fantasy Football, Sporcle, travelling, making liberal use of his DVR and wondering what the heck he's gonna do when his two daughters are old enough to date. You can follow Kevin on Twitter (@starvenger).