A Case of the…. Heroes


Yes, I’m back after a short hiatus! We’ve had a few mid-season finales, and one show I need to talk about is my new favorite: Heroes.

Before I get to Heroes, two notes: First and foremost, I must say that while the idea of waiting until January or February for some of my favorite shows to return sucks, it is a far superior schedule than the one we’ve had to endure lately: Namely, tons of repeats, and a 5 or so week hiatus anyway. The current layout, which shows like Lost, Prison Break, and Heroes have utilized, has us going Septemberish to Novemberish straight through, without repeats or breaks, and then taking a two or so month hiatus, and finishing the season straight through.

Secondly, I greatly encourage readers to check out Kevin Wong’s Heroes column, as I found it very enthralling, and it actually motivated me to write this column myself.

With Kevin’s column in mind, I want to talk about something he brought up, which I had not considered: That Claire’s father has an ability, which is that he negates other people’s powers. He brings up some excellent points, and I have a couple more to add:

– In the “flashback” episode (which was fantastic), Eden attempts to use her powers of suggestion on Claire’s father, but she is unsuccessful. Of course, we are to assume that it’s because of the Haitian, but perhaps it is not.

– Additionally, if you recall, Peter spontaneously seems to be in a lot of pain when Claire comes to visit him. He was fine until then, but when she (and her father) came into his cell, he started coughing and holding his sides. Throughout their entire conversation, he seemed in pain. All the meanwhile, Claire’s father was either in the cell, or standing right outside. Perhaps Peter was experiencing a double whammy: He couldn’t absorb power, and Claire didn’t have any healer power to offer him.

– On top of that, in the flashback episode, when Claire cuts her hand, it continues bleeding when she’s showing her parents. In other episodes, her healing seems much more immediate.

My only qualm with the theory is that the Haitian was at the bar with Parkman when he heard the static and blacked out. As far as we know, Claire’s father was not. I also may be mis-remembering, but wasn’t Claire’s dad in proximity when he watched Eden use her power of persuasion on Isaac?

Whatever the case may be, I find this to be an excellent possibility, and I will certainly be watching more closely as I check out new episodes and even repeats.

Now, onto the episode as a whole. I really, really enjoyed the interactions between the characters. I thought the stuff with Peter and Claire was very touching, particularly when she realized he jumped off the stands to save her life, not realizing that he’d be healed. Her “you’re totally my hero” line was very cute. Equally adorable was when she noted that she had once died also, and it’s not that big a deal.

I also found the stake out with Audrey and Parkman quite entertaining, especially when she had the passing thought about him being cute, and immediately said (in her thoughts) “did he hear that?” I’m not sure I want things to get romantic between them, but they do have on-screen chemistry.

I liked Isaac finally meeting Hiro and Ando, although I found it strange how Isaac would spontaneously have this Japanese accent any time he said Hiro’s name. The prophecy of Hiro fighting a dinosaur was, well….very odd, but I’m interested in seeing where that goes.

Peter’s dream that he is the cause of the giant explosion is very intriguing. As Kevin notes, how was he able to have this look into the future? Was it indeed from Simone’s father? Can he indeed “store” abilities until he uses them? Nevertheless, I find it interesting that the Heroes…and ONLY the Heroes, are left in New York City. What turn of events bring them all together?

This show has slowly crept up to becoming one of my favorites. 24 and Lost have a lot to prove in 2007!

Matt Basilo has been writing for Inside Pulse since April 2005, providing his insight into various popular television shows. Be sure to visit his blog at [a case of the blog] and follow him on Twitter.