Seven Deadly Days of The Real World: Denver Starts Tomorrow

Features, Shows

The Seven Deadly Sins are known world-wide. At least, people have heard of them. They may not know what they exactly are, and more importantly, why they are so deadly? The seven deadly sins came from early Christian teachings. The Roman Catholic Church divided up sins into two types. One type was forgiven through sacraments, but then there was the other type, the “deadly” type. If you committed these sins, you were tortured and killed. The seven deadly sins became popular in the 14th century with artists who painted them.

Today, these seven sins are not as “deadly”. In fact, almost every human being alive has committed at least one of these sins. However, we probably wouldn’t admit them, since they are so “deadly”. The seven deadly sins are pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, and lust.

Sin is often celebrated in American culture today. We’re all sinners. Las Vegas is even named “Sin City” for all of the activity that goes on there that is thought to be “wrong”. Really this is all a matter of opinion, which is why most people don’t consider these seven sins “deadly”. Most are bad in some ways and can do harm to other people, but you shouldn’t always die because of them. Then again, there are some extreme religious people who think you should.

MTV did a special on the seven deadly sins back in the early 1980’s. Today, some people have said that MTV has been the one network to celebrate sin like no other. Really MTV is just appealing to it’s key demographic of young people. They can’t be blamed for that. Still, they do so a lot of “sinful” and “scandolous” behavior on its network.

MTV’s longest reigning show and one of the very first reality TV shows is The Real World. It certainly is no stranger to “sinful celebrations”. Some of its best seasons have been the seasons where there has been a lot of drinking, a lot of “hooking up”, a lot of fights, and a lot of drama. If you wanted to, you could probably take one season of The Real World and point out examples of the seven deadly sins.

That’s exactly what I did with the newest season The Real World: Denver. It is getting a lot of buzz as a “must-see” season. Why? Well, there is a lot of sin taken place inside of that mountain home. It’s a Winter Wonderland in the summer and things are certainly heating up.

So for the next seven days (not counting today), will be bringing you the Seven Deadly Days of The Real World: Denver!! Each day I will take one sin and explain in it detail. What it means and how it relates to the The Real World series, specifically this season in Denver. Along the way, we will also have extra special articles from other writers on and surprise guests. Here in the United States, this season has been going for 4 weeks now. But in Canada, it doesn’t premiere until Wednesday, December 20. If you want to know what you have been missing or are deciding if you should even watch, then the “Seven Deadly Days of The Real World: Denver should help you make that decision. Hang on tight, because it’s going to be a very “sinful” ride!

Sir Linksalot: The Real World: Denver

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!