Seven Deadly Days of The Real World: Denver – Sloth Thursday

Features, Shows

Sloth is probably the least-known sin of them all. Many people don’t know the definition of it. It’s also considered the less serious of all of the sins. Sloth is most often referred to as “laziness” or “sadness” or “apathy”. So basically, sloth is being unhappy or dissatisfied with your current situation. Sloth is often the result of lack of love or not enough love. People who commit sloth just don’t really care about anything.

On The Real World, sloth is often hard to find. However, there have been examples. Usually there is a person in the house that seems like an “outsider”. They begin to distance themselves from the other roommates. They often feel alone as they don’t want to participate in the all of the drinking and partying that the roommates usually participate in. If they can’t relate to anyone in the house, this usually leads them to being depressed and missing home. Especially if they have a boyfriend or girlfriend back at home. Sometimes this leads to leaving the house all together before the show is over.

Sometimes sloth is committed on the job on The Real World. Some roommates may not like the job they are given. They could slack up in their responsibilities and become lazy. This could lead to wrath from other roommates. If they don’t feel like that everyone is doing their equal share of work, they could become anger and show hatred towards the roommate that has become lazy.

We haven’t seen any examples of sloth in the Denver cast yet. However, Brooke seems to have a lot of issues. She had childhood problems. She has admitted that she had apathy at times while she was growing up. Her parents are both psychologists and that’s a recipe for a screwed up childhood, according to her. She has had anxiety problems and panic attacks in the past. We have not seen any of this on the show yet. But if there is one roommate that could commit sloth on this season’s show, it would probably be Brooke.

I’m very interested to see what kind of work these roommates will be doing. This usually leads to problems and often at least one roommate becomes lazy and doesn’t do the job that they are supposed to do. I don’t expect anything different from this group.

Besides that, though, I haven’t seen any person on the show who doesn’t like to party. Stephen could perhaps be labeled the “outsider” later because of his strong religious beliefs. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case right now. Everyone seems happy with one another and all of the “love” is there. I’m sure that will change in the blink of an eye, and I look forward to seeing what problems we dig up over the course of the season.

Sir Linksalot: The Real World: Denver

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!