Seven Deadly Days of The Real World: Denver – Lust Sunday

Features, Shows

We finish off the seven deadly sins of The Real World with the one sin that is probably the most common in the world today. Everyone is guilty of this sin at some time in their life. You can’t really help it as it’s a form of love. It’s the excess of love at times, but it’s still a part of love. But is it love or lust? Lust is often described as obsessive sexual desire. While love is more about trust, mutual appreciation, and deep friendship, lust is only about sexual arousal. That’s why people sometimes think they are in love, when really they are in lust. In extreme forms, lust can also be “perversion” like “rape” or “bestiality”.

On The Real World, “perversion” is often not shown. There have been rare cases where rape comes up on the show, but that’s not the norm. The lust that is on the show is usually the lust between roommates. You get the term “showmance” here. There have been a handful of times where on-screen romances have led to actual marrriages and/or relationships in “real” life. But most of the time, the romances on the show are lustful ones and have nothing to do with love.

The Denver cast is no stranger to lust. As I have mentioned numerous times, Colie and Alex have “hooked up” on the show already. Jenn and Alex have “hooked up” already. They both lusted over Alex. However, Colie seems to be falling in “love” with Alex. She knows she shouldn’t, but she can’t help. That’s the lust talking to her, though.

Besides those obvious examples of lust on this season, we also have Davis and Brooke. We haven’t seen it yet, but there have been hints of a possible lustful “showmance” between them. That just causes all kinds of confusion since Davis is supposed to be gay. However, Brooke has admitted that she finds Davis attractive. I don’t know if she lusts over him, but the potential is there for later in the season. In addition, Brooke describes herself as “highly sexual” so you know that will lead to a lot of lust later!

Tyrie is right there as well. One of his first comments on the show is that “the first thing I’m going to unpack is a box of condoms”. He finds all of the women in the house extremely beautiful. In the first episode, he sees a hot tub makeout session between Jenn and Brooke. That’s a little lust right there, but that’s more due to the alcohol. Tyrie wants to join in, though. He would definitely “get to know them” a little more, if they let him.

I said yesterday that gluttony in the form of alcohol overconsumption causes all of the other sins on The Real World. The first sin it causes is lust. Lust leads to the greatest drama on every season. It’s a form of love, which is where you get the “love triangle”. But on The Real World, you might as well call them “Lust Triangles”. They occur on almost every season of The Real World.

Lust on the show is definitely another strong focus. It’s pretty much a toss-up between gluttony and and lust for which sin is the most common. They really go together, though. Everyone loves to see lust.

When you sit down to watch a season of The Real World you know you will see a few things. You know you will see some wild parties. These usually result in some crazy “hook-ups”. And along the way, there will be plenty of fights. You throw in some “know-it-all” and “outsider” personalities along with a little greed and envy and you get a recipe for a crazy season. The Real World has been providing drama for the “MTV Generation” for 18 seasons and this season in Denver, Colorado looks to be one of the best, if not THE best. If you haven’t been watching in the United States, what are you waiting for? This season is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. If you are wondering if you should watch it in Canada when it premieres, all I can say is YES! Watch it without a second thought. It will definitely be a very “sinful” season!

Sir Linksalot: The Real World: Denver

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!