Dry Kill Logic – Of Vengeance And Violence Review

Website: Dry Kill Logic

Coming off of the heels of one of the most criminally underrated albums of 2004 with Dead And Dreaming, Dry Kill Logic offers up Of Vengeance And Violence, easily their most mainstream disc to date. While they took some risks with Dead And Dreaming, Of Vengeance And Violence unfortunately lacks any risk on their part. While it’s not that this disc isn’t an enjoyable listen, because truly it is, the problem becomes that you want more from it when it’s through.

It’s evident when listening that Dry Kill relies heavily on what got them to the dance – double kicks, power/screaming vocals, and not so intricate guitar structure. Sure, there are a few stand out tracks on the disc, such as “Kingdom Of The Blind”, which showcases singer Cliff Rigano’s amazing vocal abilities, and “Lying Through Your Teeth”, which has some tremendous breakdowns throughout the song. Outside of that, it’s seems like a time portal back to nu-metal’s heyday.

For the most part, this is almost a stripped down Dead And Dreaming, which is essentially just The Darker Side of Nonsense. Unfortunately, with the leaps they made with D&D, they took those steps back on this disc. Again, it’s an enjoyable listen and keeps your head banging, but by the end, Dry Kill leaves you wanting more – and not necessarily in the positive sense of the term.