A Case of the…. Heroes


So following its couple-month hiatus, Heroes presents its much anticipated return. By the way, it truly is an amazing feat, when you think about it, that a show that has only been on for half a year was considered the #1 show of 2006 (an accomplishment I wholeheartedly agree with). A lot of shows had phenomenal years, and it’s a true compliment that this brand-new show was able to usurp them all. Congrats to all involved with this terrific series.

Before the hiatus I, as well as a few other columnists, pondered whether or not H.R.G. (who I usually just refer to as “Claire’s dad”) has an ability, and if that ability is to negate other people’s abilities (example, Matt cannot read people’s minds when H.R.G. is present). However, a few observant viewers have pointed out that Nathan was able to fly away when BOTH H.R.G. and the Haitian were in his proximity.

Speaking of Nathan, I feel compelled to discuss his hilarious interaction with Hiro regarding the pronunciation of “villain.” Nathan is almost always portrayed as cold and straight, so to see him have such a humorous discussion was a nice change of pace. It’s also nice to see Nathan broaden his horizons, communicating with characters outside his usual ensemble. I also like that he is slowly, but surely, coming to terms with his ability.

I enjoyed Claire’s subdued story arc, particularly her question of how “saving” her “saved” the world… a question I am sure many fans are wondering. Was saving her simply the catalyst to bringing all the heroes together? Or does she, as an entity, serve a greater purpose? I’m guessing it must be the latter, as the Haitian felt it necessary for her not to have her memory erased.

I also appreciated the fact that, as a teenager, Claire is much more prone to feeling alone than the rest of the heroes. Therefore, the loss of Zach (or his memory, rather) meant that much more. I think the actress did a wonderful job portraying her emotions. Another question, though: Can Claire feel pain? I mean, obviously she heals very rapidly, but when she falls a hundred feet onto a hard surface, does she feel that pain?

I’ve long been a critic of the Nikki story arc, but I actually quite enjoyed her scenes this past episode, particularly the closing one, with Nikki saying “God, please help me” only for Jessica, stone faced, to answer “who needs God when you have me?” I predict that Nikki actually has no abilities, instead her dead sister did, and she’s manifesting her abilities into her sister’s body.

I can’t help but wonder one thing, however: Why would a person, who is by his own admission always invisible, need to steal money? He’s clearly not opposed to simply nabbing goods, so it doesn’t look like he’s paying for them. And when he stole that person’s cell phone, didn’t anybody notice a cell phone mysteriously floating in the air? And if things also turn invisible once he makes contact with them, he’s lucky that nobody was looking at the phone, or else they might wonder why it suddenly disappeared. Along those same lines, in any movie or television series in which a vampire looks at a mirror, why are his clothes invisible as well?

Anyway, I’m thrilled to have the show back, and it’s great to see that it’s picked up right where it left off. But man, is Monday ever the night for TV or what? Prison Break, 24, Heroes, RAW (for the wrestling fan in me….oh wait, it’s “Raw” now…). I’m going to have to start asking for Tuesdays off.

Sir Linksalot: Heroes

Matt Basilo has been writing for Inside Pulse since April 2005, providing his insight into various popular television shows. Be sure to visit his blog at [a case of the blog] and follow him on Twitter.