TV Babies: Gilmore Girls, Episode 7-12/To Whom it May Concern


It’s taken some time, to be sure. Call it a work in progress. But after some initial growing pains, the new writers and producers are making the show we’ve been so familiar with all these years…

With all the whining and complaining surrounding Season 7, no one has the guts to acknowledge the obvious: the dearly beloved Palladinos are as much to blame as anyone. Now granted, we have them to thank for creating Gilmore Girls. But I’ve got a news flash for you: last season wasn’t perfect, either. It was the Palladinos who put Lorelai (back) in bed with Christopher. Thus, it was they who gave us the starting line for this season…

For me, Gilmore Girls has its groove back. Or at least as much a groove as a drama in its seventh season can realistically hope for. Since the worst stretch of the young season, and it was brutal (The Great Stink/Go, Bulldogs/French Twist) – they’ve strung together five strong efforts in a row. The latest entry, To Whom it May Concern

It was nice to see Sookie with a substantial storyline. She arrives at Lorelai’s just around sunrise (on a day off, no less) with muffin tops and coffee, and Lorelai knows something’s a little off. At first, we think it’s just Sookie kissing up for a babysitter so she and Jackson can hit the slopes. But Lorelai starts fitting the pieces together: she’s seen this side of Sookie before…when she’s pregnant! Apparently, Jackson never went through with that vasectomy thing they had talked about. That’s beside the point, though. The point is to remind us what great friends Lorelai and Sookie are. Was that a loooong “pep talk” walk or what?

Meanwhile, Luke and Anna attend April’s custody hearing – with Mrs. Teasley from 90210 presiding. The writers continue to make Anna more and more loathsome, yet the point of this story is the wonderful letter Lorelai wrote for Luke. You couldn’t help but get a little choked up witnessing Luke’s reaction to the reading. And Lorelai, of course, is the first to get the good news: Luke wins shared custody.

As far as Rory as concerned, she still seems to be sleepwalking through some scenes. And I’m tired of being reminded what a great person she is through this whole Marty/Lucy dilemma. I was happy to hear they were bringing Marty back, but turning him into a stalker made his return a waste. Paris’ manic post-college preparation program was pretty funny, though (loved the Heathers reference).

To Whom it May Concern ends on two quite sobering notes:

– Christopher finds Lorelai’s letter for Luke and goes berzerk. You could see the veins practically popping out of his forehead as he read Lorelai referring to Luke as a father figure to Rory. This was a very effective scene. Whatever feelings Lorelai may still have for Luke, Christopher’s reaction clearly shook her.
– Richard collapses while lecturing Rory’s Economics class…

Next week: Prepare for a very emotional hospital episode. And a M.I.A. Christopher…

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