In Hindsight: Heroes 1-14


“Are You On the List?” Part 3, “Distractions”

New York, NY
Hiro’s such a nice guy. He realizes that his sister is much better at the corporate stuff than he is, so he devises a way to get her noticed by her dad. I gotta say though, while it was nice to hear the rich voice of George Takei on something other than Sirius Radio, could they have made Mr. Nakamura more stereotypical with the “male heir” thing?

Also, poor Ando gets no love. I think he needs to go back to Vegas to see Niki.

Also (2), Mr. Nakamura’s limo had a specialty license plate – NCC 1701. Nice.

I was expecting Claude to slap Peter or something. Showing him Simone and Isaac was the mental slap, sure, but tossing him off the roof… you could kind of sense it coming, but when he did it… whoa. So I guess Peter’s power isn’t as much similar to Synch as it is that of Mimic, who can retain the powers of several mutants. He still can’t fly though. It begs the question as to where Peter got his “Dream Boy” powers from – is it a facet of Issac’s precog power or from somewhere else?

Also, it would appear that Claude has a history with (who else?) H.R.G. He and Linderman (and Nathan, in a way) have their fingers in just about everything, don’t they?

Las Vegas (or thereabouts), NV
Niki gets out of jail after Jessica beats up the shrink but good, and Linderman (we assume) pulls some strings to get her out. But now Jessica is retaining control and naturally, is up to something.

Odessa, TX
Sylar escapes, and in the process blows my theory about H.R.G. to bits. Oh well. It was a slick move getting into Sandra Bennet’s good graces to try and get to Claire, but all the questions were definitely a wee bit creepy. Just not serial killer creepy, y’know? Of course, H.R.G. and The Haitian arrive in the proverbial nick of time to save Sandra. Then they wipe her memory, not knowing that in the process they wipe her memory of Claire and Zach going to… I missed that, actually. Sea World is 5 hours away in San Antonio, so it must’ve been somewhere else that could hold manatees.

Speaking of Zach and Claire, they go to meet her real mother, Meredith. Mother and daughter share some power-related bonding, and then we find out who Claire’s father is, and it’s… Nathan Petrelli?

Damn. That’s interesting in several different ways. First, I suppose that it makes the Petrelli family the Summers family of the Heroes-verse. Second, Claire has a crush on Peter, and that’s just… wrong. Finally, how old is Nathan, exactly? We know that Claire is about 15, and Peter is 26, so Nathan is likely 32 at the youngest, but I’d put him at maybe 35. Any thoughts there?

The List
Claire Bennet – Regeneration
Gabriel Gray a.k.a. Sylar – Can “see” and “fix” things
D.L. Hawkins – Becomes intangible
Isaac Mendez – Precognition
Hiro Nakamura – Time manipulation
Matt Parkman – Telepath (receives)
Nathan Petrelli – Flight
Peter Petrelli – Power mimic
Micah Sanders – Technical manipulation (?)
Niki Sanders – Superhuman strength

Charlie Andrews (d) – Eidetic memory
Claude – Invisibility
Brian Davis (d) – Telekinetic
Sarah “Eden” Ellis – Persuasion
Hana “Samantha” Gitelman a.k.a. Wireless – Techno telepath (?)
Meredith Gordon – Pyrokinetic
The Haitian – Removes memories
Sanjog Iyer – Dreamwalker
Ted Sprague – Radioactive
James Walker (d) – Freezing power

That’s all for this week. I’ll be back next week when the shit apparently hits the fan.

Sir Linksalot: Heroes

Kevin has been an Insider since 2003, writing on a variety of topics ranging from The Amazing Race to Mixed Martial Arts. His current hobbies include Fantasy Football, Sporcle, travelling, making liberal use of his DVR and wondering what the heck he's gonna do when his two daughters are old enough to date. You can follow Kevin on Twitter (@starvenger).