TV Babies: Prison Break, Episode 2-16


Finally, some pay off. An episode that began slowly churned ahead with all the power of the Chicago-bound train carrying Michael, Lincoln, Sara and Kellerman to a more than satisfying conclusion…

We saw Sara show some emotion, attacking Kellerman and nearly killing him. We also saw her and Michael’s feelings for one another finally realized – albeit during less than ideal circumstances. But she’s not running anymore…

As for the other Prison Breakers, T-Bag’s still playing house. He plays the part well enough to convince a dinner guest (for now), and the newly-adopted family is hitting the road. Here’s hoping it’s near the end of his.

C-Note can’t catch a break. Sure, he hasn’t planned very well – but how could he have anticipated the hold-up at the diner? He saves the day for the rest of the unfortunate diner customers, thus buying him precious minutes to escape before the cops arrive. You have to think his luck is soon to run out, yet it’s easy to forget how many times he’s been screwed over…

And it’s time to say goodbye to Haywire. I’ll have to admit, the writers did a good job with his final scene. Even Mahone and Bellick looked a little shaken when Haywire took his fateful dive.

So Michael, Lincoln, Sara and Kellerman are getting closer to the President. And any question of Kellerman’s loyalty is erased when he sees through Kim’s ploy: the President he’s been speaking to isn’t the President at all. But first, they need to find out what Sara’s key unlocks…

In two weeks: Sucre reaches his final destination…

Sir Linksalot: Prison Break