TiVo Central – Grey's Anatomy – Episode 3-16


The chaos continues in this second part of a three part story arc in the month of February. Meredith has fallen into the ocean and no one saw her fall in, but a little girl. No one can hear her in the ocean either as she seems to be fading away. I’m drowning in a sea of symbolism myself. Izzie, George, and Alex have their own things to overcome themselves, but Meredith is in the ocean!

No matter what happened during this episode, everything gets overshadowed by the ending of it. It’s a rare episode where that happens. But basically the ending becomes the main focus of the episode that nothing else really matters. We’ll talk about the ending at the end. Lets try to make sense of everything else, though.

First things first, Izzie is back on staff full-time. How did she do that? By drilling a hole in a guy’s head! The guy that was crushed underneath the car. Yes, drilling a hole in someone’s head looks just as painful as it sounds. But Izzie saved the guy’s life and she is back on staff. This would be the only time that anyone celebrated during this episode.

George still couldn’t find the son of the woman who was having surgery. Now he must tell her the bad news when she wakes up. As Bailey said, “she’s not dead, but she will wish she was dead.”

Alex has to deal with families waiting to hear about their loved ones. That has to be the hardest job of all. Even drilling a hole in someone’s head is easier than that. I don’t envy him. Nice little touch with him saying that he would notice Addison being missing.

Derek is busy himself. He is saving Meredith from the ocean. That’s right, the little points out to the ocean. Meredith is there and Derek goes down and saves her. But my god she has been under water for A LONG time! There must be some damage there.

From there on out, it was all about Meredith. Everyone tries to save her and for good reason. What I loved about this whole thing was the emotion. Fans may or may not like Meredith, but right here is where you really realize that she is the center of the show, whether we like it or not. Derek can’t save Meredith and that kills him. Props to Cristina for making this situation all about her again. She tells Burke that Meredith is the “person” she tells everything to first. So if she didn’t find out about her engagement first, then it doesn’t make it real basically. Of course, she says that before she finds out about Meredith.

Then, everyone gets the page. Meredith is dying. Again, all about the emotion. Mark even comes in and sits down next to Derek. He doesn’t say anything, but lets Derek know that he is there for him. But the MVP of this episode was Izzie. Her speech at the end was gold. She pulled everyone together. She tells everyone that Meredith is “will come through this”. She even tells George that it was a mistake to marry Callie. But since they are best friends she can tell him this and everything will be okay. Good for her and it’s what I have been wanting her to say to George for awhile now.

Of course, I can’t end this without talking about the ending. Believe it or not, this 30 second segment overshadowed everything else this episode. At least a little bit. Meredith sits up. But she is not alive. No, we are led to believe that she is dead. She is on the hospital bed and looks to see Kyle Chandler, who played that bomb squad member who died during the blast that occurred during the Super Bowl episode of last season. Then, we see Denny. Both of these guys are dead. So Meredith must be dead now. We won’t know for sure until next week. But I’m pretty sure that Meredith will medically be called “DEAD”. However, even dead people get second chances. Meredith will probably get revived. The damage is done, though. The more interesting question may be “what will happen after she comes back to life?” Of course, they could fool us all and end things with Meredith right now. She can be a ghost for the rest of the show’s run. Find out next week!

Sir Linksalot: Television News

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!