Final Days of Fun in The O.C. Sun – Episode 4-15


The O.C. – Episode 4-15 – “The Night Moves”

We pick up where we left off last time. The earthquake has hit and now it’s time to see the aftermath of it. First things first. Ryan is covering up Taylor as a big china cabinet comes crashing down on his back. Ryan’s back is all bloody, but he keeps it quiet from Taylor. Everyone else seems to be fine, but Ryan appears to be slowing fading away.

Ryan secretly wants Seth’s help, but he doesn’t want to worry anyone else. Seth looks at Ryan’s back and it’s bad. There is a piece of glass stuck in Ryan’s back. On the way to the hospital, they hit something and have a flat tire. Seth has to get out and change the tire. That’s never good, because as he puts, when you give him tools and make him work that can only end badly.

Kaitlin and Julie get stuck in an ice cream shop with some young guy. They were on the pier and now the pier gets wiped out. So literally there is water all around them. To entertain themselves, they eat ice cream and sing “Night Moves”. Eventually Frank comes and saves the day. Turns out that the boy likes Kaitlin and only wanted her to stay longer, so he made up the story about the pier being blown away.

Summer and Taylor are left alone at the Cooper house, while the boys are out and about. Pancakes is missing and they search for him. They finally find him in the vents up in the attic. But here comes an aftershock to shake things up even more.

You know what happens with an aftershock. More stuff falls down everywhere. The jack under Seth’s car falls out of place. Kirsten appears to fall down and is clutching her stomach. Don’t forget, she’s pregnant!

Seth tries to talk to Ryan about the things he has done in his life, people he has hit, etc., to make him not think about his back. Eventually the pain is too much for Ryan. Seth has to leave him and run and get some help. Along the way he passes Frank, Julie, and Kaitlin in a car. They pick him up and take him to Ryan. They then go to the hospital and Seth gives Ryan his blood. Ryan is okay. Turns out that Kirsten and the baby girl are okay as well.

Seth, Ryan, Sandy, and Kirsten return home and find that their house looks fine. Everything is great. Except they step inside of their front door and their entire house has collapsed inside. WOW! There is nothing left.

What I really liked about this episode was the fact that there were 4 groups of 2 with their own stories. Ryan and Seth, Kaitlin and Julie, Summer and Taylor, and Sandy and Kirsten were together. Those pairings really work the best, and this episode was more proof of that.

Sir Linksalot: The O.C.

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!