The Most Ridiculous Item of the Week – 2.23.07


Yes, folks… once again, Axl Rose has pushed back the release date for the new Guns N’ Roses album, Chinese Democacy, much to the surprise of no one.

After being delayed numerous times, the album was most recently slated for March 6, but after realizing that that’s in a couple of weeks and they’re nowhere near finishing it, Axl and friends decided to push the release date back to… they’re not sure.

According to a post made on the band’s Web site on Thursday, “There is no official release date, as the band is currently mixing, but after some delays and scheduling difficulties, things appear to be moving along, … The good news is that all of the recording for the album has been completed, … Drummer Frank Ferrer and guitarist Ron ‘Bumblefoot’ Thal integrated themselves into the recordings seamlessly and will have their presence felt.” Yeah, that’s if Axl doesn’t decide to scrap their parts and start over from scratch again. Everyone knows that this guy is a dickhead and a flake, and it’s really a surprise that hasn’t killed himself yet by doing something stupid like trying to make toast in the shower.

I’m telling you, Chinese Democracy will not be out until 2025. Your kids will love it. You keep on thinking that I’m joking, but you’ll see… The damned thing has been in production since 1999, it’s cost $13 million, and if it sees the light of day anytime before the actual inception of democracy in China I’ll be incredibly surprised. Seriously, was anyone really expecting to have a copy of the thing by March 6? If you were, you are a gullible idiot, and I only hope for your sake that you haven’t decided to take up that Nigerian bank manager on his confidential offer to transfer US$100 million into your bank account in order to get 10% for yourself. Watch out for that Euro Lottery one, too. And no, Bill Gates is not giving away money if you forward an email to fifty of your friends.