Richly Deserved: The Apprentice: Los Angeles Episode 6-9

Previously, Surya was a project manager basically without anyone paying attention to him. So when his team lost, there was no question he was gone. We’re taking him to Long Beach so he can do his long soliloquies as far from Los Angeles as possible.

Kinetic: Heidi, Muna, Angela, Kristine
Arrow: Tim, Nicole, Frank, James, Stefani

Kristine stays as Kinetic’s project manager. James, after being beat up in the boardroom, steps up and takes over as Arrow’s PM.

The teams head to the set of the NBC series Passions. Nicole is excited because she loves that show. They are to produce a 45-second webisode soap opera for Dial’s new Softscrub product.

Kinetic looks for a cheating neighbour theme (with Heidi as the cheating neighbour). There’s still a tension between Kristine and Muna. Muna wants to be in front of a camera and only wants to do what she’s comfortable doing.

Arrow starts setting up their filming. James says he was going with his gut. Nicole and Tim play boyfriend-girlfriend cleaning up a bathroom because he’s about to propose to her (awwwwww).

Nicole does a lot of driving of the production using her soap-watching experience.

Kinetic filming starts with Heidi and Muna. Angela and Kristine run out to get props. Kristine rants and Angela listens. Kristine got back and started directing. The tension continued.

Arrow gets to the editing phase. They continue to have fun out there but Tim and Nicole were running the show, not James. James didn’t mind. Frank goes crazy (as usual) but accuses Tim of trying to do too much.

Kinetic didn’t like the scenes. Muna rambled fast and incoherently and seemed nervous. Kristine really should have directed this better.

Arrow goes for brunch, confident. James though says he doesn’t want to build people to the boardroom.

Arrow, starring Frank, Tim and Nicole, go first. It looks really good, sounds clear, and tells a good story.

Kinetic, with Muna and Heidi, really sounds rushed. Talk is not clear. It moves a little too fast. And it gets a couple of chuckles but not a clear message.

The Dial execs choose Arrow. Good brand integration but not a great ending. Kinetic had a good cliffhanger but poor product integration.

Tea with Ga-va-na Arnie. Yep, they’re going to Sacramento on a private jet to meet Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R). They head to the State Capitol. James talks to him about coming to America as an immigrant (James is from Korea). Arnold told him not to accept the word “can’t” and to stay humble. Nicole was impressed that he said that pain is temporary, the end result is permanent.

Heidi is annoyed having to go back to the tents. The place is a mess. Heidi knows Muna will be called in but Kristine should have stayed back directed. Muna said she’ll fight. Muna reads a bible to prepare while Kristine reads one of Trump’s books.

Trump said this boardroom will be tough. Kristine asked Muna to be off camera but she wanted to be on camera. Muna said Kristine has an option. Kristine called Muna a difficult employee. Ivanka called Kristine on her wanting to make everyone happy. Ivanka also called her out on Kristine not being at the filming. Muna said Kristine never looked at the two scenes before she arrived. Angela said she’d fire both of them. Angela is put on the spot and she finally said she’d want Kristine. Muna puts Heidi on the spot and she still wavers. Muna said she respected Heidi more than the other two. She finally said Kristine. Muna accepted the answer.
Trump called Muna a risk-taker. This time the risk didn’t turn out well. Muna is fired. I am sad. Nice goodbye at the end. Muna hoped she’s inspired people to believe in God and be a good worker.

See ya next week.

Sir Linksalot: The Apprentice