Megatrons Voice Revealed And Its Not Frank Welker


Credit: Aintitcool

Michael Bay’s live-action Transformers film is all set to open on July 4. Shia Lebeouf, Tyrese Gibson, Jon Voight, and many more have filmed their scenes to star in the story about giant shape-changing robots who have brought their inter-galactic battle to Earth.

The voice of Optimus Prime has already been chosen as Peter Cullen who voiced the Autobot leader in the eighties cartoon series.

The voice of Decepticon leading Megatron on the other hand will not have his cartoon counterpart Frank Welker providing his vocal cords. Hugo Weaving (The Matrix franchise, The Lord Of The Rings) will be voicing Megatron for the new film instead.

While this is a very cool choice for his voice, it is going to make the sticklers for things to be authentic probably more than a little upset. None the less, this is not the eighties cartoon and is in fact a live-action film with plenty of differences, so why should one more hurt? How it fares will be seen in just three short months.