TV Babies: Prison Break, Episode 2-22


It all came to a close last night. And, to go along with the general theme of Season 2 – it was all over the place. The brothers are trapped in a dire situation, get themselves out of it – only to wind up in another.

The scene that drove me the craziest, by far, and sums up my on-going frustration with the drama:

After Kellerman clears Sara (along with Lincoln and probably Michael in the process) – she high tails it down to Panama to meet up with Michael and Lincoln, who’ve recently ditched Mahone. Just when we think it’s clear sailing, enter Kim. Then Sara shoots Kim (in self-defense), and before we know it – the brothers are yet again on the run…

First of all, why did they leave the boat? Oh, wait – I know why: Fox has to set up an inplausible third season. So now we have Michael going back to prison, taking the rap for Sara this time. It’s the worst looking prison on earth, and it seems that Mahone will be joining him there. The problem is, I don’t care. And I won’t be joining them.

Poor Sucre has been lowered to whining in the street for Maricruz, while Bellick and T-Bag keep hanging around and being genearlly disgusting. As for Kellerman, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s still alive.

Prison Break was a really good show in Season 1. It was really all over the place in Season 2. And Fox will squeeze a third, or even fourth, season out of it – which is unfortunate. I, for one, choose to remember the days behind the walls at Fox River – when the show had a purpose. The writers will send some of the characters behind different prison walls next fall. But the purpose will be different a as well: to keep a hole filled in Fox’s programming schedule, and maybe even score some syndication dollars in the process…

Sir Linksalot: Prison Break