OVW TV Report for April 28, 2007

Reviews, Shows, TV Shows

Following are the results of the April 28, 2007 Ohio Valley Wrestling TV show, according to Dale Sherman of OVWrestling.com (click through for the full report plus exclusive OVW news and photos from the event)…

April 28, 2007 – Davis Arena



    A befuddled Al Snow sat in the OVW Troubleshooter office, holding the Golden Envelope and asking Shawn Spears why his tag-team partner Cody Runnels would give up the Envelope – especially since it guarantees him a chance to have a match for the OVW Heavyweight Title at any time and any place! Spears did some fast-talking, explaining how he had been wrestling longer than Runnels and already had two Titles, and besides Cody had already been Heavyweight champ for a day and felt bad about the loss of the OVW Southern Tag-Team Titles, and –

    Snow cut Spears off by beginning to open the Envelope, which wasn’t something Spears wanted to see happen. As he yanked the Envelope out of Al’s hands, he paused when he saw Cody Runnels enter the room with his own Golden Envelope in his hand. Runnels asked what he was doing and Spears – no longer thinking fast on his feet – said that Cody had given him the Golden Envelope. Cody was surprised that Spears had just taken another envelope, spray-painted it gold and tried to bluff his way into a match for the Heavyweight Title. Not that Spears was listening, as he concentrated solely on the Envelope that Cody was waving around.

    Cody told Shawn that if their partnership and friendship meant so little then they would just settle things in the ring by having another pole match for the Golden Envelope that night! As Cody stomped off, Shawn looked as if he didn’t know whether to be happy or sad about the situation.

    Dean Hill and Kenny Bolin were at the announcers’ desk to run down the matches for the night and also let fans know that, due to the brawl between Aaron “The Idol” Stevens and “The Ripper” Paul Birchall last week that saw them both decking OVW Troubleshooter Al Snow, they had been suspended from the show that evening!


    REF: Nick Andrews

    Some of our regular readers may remember us mentioning Mike Hutter having a match with Mike Mondo before the taping of the 400 th episode of OVW Television a few weeks back. He came in with the tag-team of Olivencia and Dalton to take on the three men in Gothic Mayhem: Buck, Punch and security-man Tony Braddock. Buck and Olivencia started off the match with Buck getting in a nice shoulderblock, but Olivencia jumped over Buck while Buck tried again and then tossed Pat to his back with his legs. Hutter and Dalton tagged into the ring in quick succession to work over Buck’s arm, leading to a two-count for T.J. A mistimed jawbreaker from Buck, obviously a bit of a hurry to get out of the ring, managed to cause Dalton to back off a second and give Buck a chance to tag in Johnny Punch. Punch swept in and was then swept off his feet with a hiptoss from T.J. Dalton then tagged in Olivencia for a short-arm elbow to the face of Punch, followed by Olivencia tagging Dalton back in for a team up on a toss of Punch to the canvas for a two-count.

    Olivencia tagged back in for a combo workout on Punch’s arms with Dalton, along with a double-chop and then a suplex by the two on Johnny as well. After all that, one would think Olivencia would have gotten the pin, but Buck ran into the ring to stop the hold before the third count. Olivencia whipped Punch to a corner to setup a monkey-flip that had Punch landed right on his backside. As Olivencia went to the opposite corner to do a repeat of the monkey-flip, Tony Braddock ran over and elbowed Olivencia in the head, causing T.J. to enter the ring to try and help his partner. As the ref pushed T.J. and Mike back through the ropes, Punch got enough of a reprieve to roll over and tag in Buck.

    Buck managed only a two-count on Olivencia and hit him with a couple of forearms before tagging in Punch for a boot to the face of Olivencia. Punch got a two-count and tried to wear down Olivencia, but he was tossed to the side and went for a tag to Buck while holding a defiant Olivencia in place for Pat to drop an elbow on him. Buck tried to lock Olivencia down, but eventually Olivencia elbowed out of the hold and tagged in Hutter who knocked down both Buck and Punch upon entering the ring. Hutter clotheslined the two and then hit a backdrop on Buck before heading over to punch. Turning his back on Braddock was the wrong thing to do, however, as Tony ran into the ring and hit a hard forearm on Hutter’s back, sending him to his knees! As Dalton argued with the ref over the blatant attack, Braddock whipped Hutter to a corner and then had Punch and Buck whip him into the corner as well in order to demolish Hutter. Hutter ducked out of the way at the last second and went after Punch, but Braddock was immediately after him and clipped him off the top of the head with a forearm. With Dalton and Olivencia having been knocked off the apron by Buck, they could not stop Buck from getting the 1-2-3 for the win of the match, thanks to Braddock’s interference!

    An interview taped earlier that day with referee Kevin Keenan on ref Goose Mahoney’s recovery was interrupted when Paul Burchall came barging in through the exit door of the arena. Keenan told Burchall that he was suspended and if he put one hand on him Keenan would hit “The Ripper” with a fine and an indefinite suspension! Burchall backed up, but not before telling Keenan that he knew the ref was in Aaron Steven’s pocket!

    REF: Ray Ramsey

    Hager went in aggressively with a shoulderblock, but quickly feel victim to a hiptoss from Tomasso at the start of the match. Hager staggered, yet countered with a whip of Tomasso to the ropes, but with Hager in a bent-over position, Tomasso easily flipped over Jake and threw him back into a pin position for a two-count. Hager pulled himself up and rolled over on top of Tomasso for a two-count of his own before being pushed off by Tomasso. Jake flipped himself over on top of Tomasso to setup a bridge for a pin-attempt, but Tomasso wasn’t going to let that happen and pulled the two of them up so that they were standing back to back with their arms interlocked. Tomasso tried to pulled Hager over, yet Jake went for a hiptoss on Tomasso, which Tomasso countered by landing on his feet and bouncing off the ropes for a flying boot to Jake’s jaw!

    Tomasso looked for sure to get his win, but Jake managed to stop the pin at 2 2/3 counts by Ramsey. Pushing Tomasso off to the ropes, Jake tossed Tomasso high up in the air to land on his chest on the canvas and then scoped Tomasso up for a cradle. With nowhere to go, Tomasso fell victim to the pin, giving Hager the win!

    As Ramsey was raising Hager’s arm in victory, KC James came out to ringside to harass Hager. With his attention diverted, a stranger leapt into the ring and attacked Jake from behind. James and the man then teamed up on stomping and kicking Hager before hitting a double DDT on him. The stranger then whipped off his belt and wrapped it around Hager’s neck, pulling Jake up so that he could receive a blow to the skull from James’ cast on his arm! With one foot on Hager’s head, James and the stranger celebrated in the ring.

    Milena introduced another paid announcement by “a great American hero, Michael Kruel”: “Americans, isn’t it a shame that your hero Mike Kruel can’t own a dog without a license, but you idiots can have children,” was the first thing out of Kruel’s mouth, contending that he would still do his best to bring the people “out of illiteracy and despair!”

    REF: Kevin Keenan

    Nice to see Johnny Jeter back on a regular basis in the Davis Arena ring, not only growing his hair back out but getting some of the stench of the Spirit Squad out as well. Jeter started off with a lock-up on Kozlov and went for a takedown, but soon found that Vladimir was like the Berlin Wall when it came to bringing him down. A little more brains than brawn was in order and Jeter readily showed that by sidestepping a heavy elbow-drop from Vladimir, which not only knocked Kozlov for a loop but put him on the canvas as well!

    Wrapping himself around Kozlov, Jeter managed to use his weight to topple the bigger man and begin a pin-attempt. Kozlov countered by shifting his weight and pinning Jeter instead, but Johnny soon had them back in the position he wanted. Kozlov eventually pulled himself up with Jeter along for the ride, and shoved Jeter off of him. His smile of relief soon turned to anguish, however, as Jeter quickly put Kozlov into a headlock and – using the corner ropes as a ladder – rolled Kozlov back over on to the mat. Getting up again, Kozlov pull Jeter’s hair in order to get him into a corner and then punched him hard in the stomach when forced to back off by the ref.

    After a knee to the gut, Kozlov whipped Jeter to the opposite corner and Jeter tried to pull the same stunt with the ropes, but the third time was the charm for Vladimir, who used Jeter’s momentum to simply suplex him to the canvas for a two-count. Kozlov continued his attack of Johnny when the audience’s attention was taken elsewhere as Mike Kruel pointed out a figure emerging from the back and coming to ringside: Shawn “Badseed” Osbourne! Shawn hadn’t been seen since having his “blind-man” cane broken in half by Seth Skyfire months ago, causing problems for Kruel as he was fighting for the OVW Television Title at the time. No one knows where he had gone, but now he was back, and Milena was happy to see him. Osbourne stumbled to the apron, still acting as if he were blind.

    Meanwhile, in the ring, Kozlov was pounding away on Jeter until Johnny managed to pull Vladimir over for a roll-up that was stopped when Kruel jumped on the apron to protest. Jeter elbowed Kruel off and went for the headlock on Kozlov. Vladimir shoved Jeter to the ropes and as Johnny bounced back to the opposite side, Shawn Osbourne took the remaining half of his cane that he had and decked Jeter with it! With the ref clearly watching!

    Kevin Keenan called for a Disqualification of the match, naming Jeter the winner! As Kruel and the gang wondered what happened, Osbourne stood by with a huge grin on his face.

    Beth Phoenix roamed backstage at Davis Arena, worried about the pursuing Jacob Duncan. After interrupting a rather disturbing moment between ODB, Steve Lewington and a paddle, and watching Los Locos “fix” the recorder on top of the widescreen T.V. in another room, Phoenix find newcomer Alexander working out in another room. Offering him $200 to take care of Duncan, Alexander readily agreed, to the relief of Phoenix. Running into Shawn Osbourne, Beth asked if he had seen Jacob Duncan. Osbourne was insulted – “I’m BLIND,” he shouted. He wasn’t so blind as to take a look at Phoenix while she walked away, however.

    REF: Ray Ramsey

    Still believing herself the winner of the MISS OVW contest, Melody arrived in the ring with her self-made sash and her bunny slippers. ODB, not happy with Melody attacking her in the middle of her match last week, was ready to put Melody in her place as she came out to ringside with her sparkle-covered beer cooler. Meanwhile, ODB’s nemesis and OVW Women’s Title Champ, Katie Lea, arrived at the announcers’ desk to commentate with Dean and Kenny on the match.

    Melody started off by repeatedly grabbing ODB by the hair had yanking her down to the canvas, only to run to the ropes and forcing Ramsey to push ODB away. ODB had enough of that after the second time, however, and just ripped Melody off the apron and back into the ring over the ropes! A clothesline got ODB a two-count, followed by a chop to the chest in a corner. A running slam into the same corner missed, however, and Melody didn’t look happy with the chop, grabbing ODB by the hair and flinging her to the opposite corner. Wrapping herself around ODB, Melody sent her down to the canvas while locking up on her neck for all she was worth.

    ODB finally elbowed her way out of the hold, only for Melody to immediately jump on her back again. This time, however, ODB tossed her off and hit her with a couple of shoulderblocks before tossing her backwards to the mat! Tossing Melody into a corner, ODB then hit the Dirty Dozen on her before flying off the corner to pin Melody for the win! As for Katie Lea, she just saw the match as just another part of her plan to wear ODB down for their next encounter.

    REF: Nick Andrews

    Duncan came out with the same paper-bag he has been carrying over the past few weeks and left it in a corner as he entered the ring to face Alexander. The match began as Beth Phoenix made her way out to watch, in hopes that someone would finally stop Duncan in his tracks. At first it appeared that Phoenix may have made a good choice, as two early lock-ups between the two men ended with them breaking apart and a third got Alexander the advantage with a strong headlock on Duncan!

    Unfortunately, Duncan soon broke loose and hooked up Alexander; yet Alexander managed to climb up the ropes in a corner to avoid any more damage that way. Still, it allowed Duncan to simply let Alexander fall backwards to the mat, so it wasn’t the best alternative either. As Duncan spotted Phoenix and began moving towards her, Alexander attacked Jacob from behind with a forearm on the back and then a sharp elbow to the head. Duncan reversed a whip to the ropes and bent forward for a backdrop, but Alexander stopped himself and kicked Jacob in the jaw instead. The two went back and forth for a bit with Alexander getting in a headbutt and some punches, but eventually Duncan slammed Alexander for a two-count and after Alexander tried his best to fight Duncan off, Jacob hit a chokeslam for the pin! Beth Phoenix then fled to the back with Jacob Duncan in pursuit.


    REF: Kevin Keenan

    Chet & Steve have been teaming up for a while now, and it appears that they’ve decided to take the next step to using a name for their tag-team, which could mean some long-term commitments for the two there. To kick things off under the name, the two faced off with the current OVW Southern Tag-Team Champs, Ox & Hammer – who, after just getting past the stage of cementing their win against the former champs of Cody Runnels and Shawn Spears, would not be likely to want to so quickly lose them.

    Ox and Steve started off the match with a lock-up into a corner that had them being separated before they commenced clobbering each other! Ox tried to go for the arms, but Steve countered the same way and after a quick pin-attempt tagged in Chet to take over. Ox eventually got Chet into Chet’s corner, but not before Chet had tagged in Steve again and the two hit a standard combo where Steve flipped Ox over and Chet flew over Ox with a lock on Ox’s head on the way. Steve got a two-count and looked to be ready to Keylock Ox when Ox got away with a knee to the gut and tagged in Hammer.

    Hammer was stunned to be hiptossed immediately upon entering the ring with Steve, nor was it thrilled when an attempt to stop Lewington in a corner by grabbing his legs allowed Steve to flip over and roll Hammer away. Hammer stumbled into an elbow from Chet on the apron and then was slammed to the mat by Steve before getting hit in the jaw with a standing dropkick from Lewington on the way up.

    Hammer managed to stagger over to Ox and tag him in, while Lewington saw that Chet wanted in and hit a tag to him. A headlock on Chet drew him and Ox to a corner where Ox chopped away, but this only got Chet mad enough to toss Ox into the same corner for a chop in retribution. And then another. A whip to the opposite corner was reversed by Ox, yet that didn’t stop Chet from hiptossing Ox to the canvas and then doing the same to Hammer when he ran in to help out Ox. After a two-count, Chet tagged in Steve to take over, where he was whipped a corner. Landing on Ox’s shoulders with his legs while holding on to the corner ropes, Steve was about to do the same maneuver he had done before on Hammer, but Hammer was too close and grabbed hold of Steve’s head outside the ropes in order to just guillotine Lewington as the ref’s back was turned away in order to get Chet out of the ring.

    Ox ran over to pin Steve, but the ref’s attention was diverted just long enough to give Steve a chance to regain enough strength to push out of the pin after two counts. A legsweep from Ox sent Steve facedown to the canvas just after Hammer tagged in, allowing Hammer to hit a hard, jumping elbow-drop on Steve’s back! Chet jumped in long enough to stop a pin-attempt from Hammer, but it backfired on him as the ref tried pushing him back, allowing Hammer and Ox to team up on Steve. With an elbow-drop on Lewington’s skull, Hammer was able to get another two-count before locking up on Steve’s head. Steve eventually was able to work his way out of the hold with a toss and then a spinning kick to the head before desperately leaping to his corner for a tag to Chet.

    After taking on both Ox & Hammer in the ring, Chet hit a high kick to Ox’s head, but the pin was stopped by Hammer. As Steve took on Hammer, Chet and Steve slammed Ox’s and Hammer’s noggins together, but Hammer managed to knock Steve out of the ring and team-up with Ox on slamming Chet to the canvas for the pin!


    REF: Ray Ramsey

    Shawn offered his hand to shake before their match, but an angry Cody shoved it away, refusing to greet his tag-team partner formally in the ring before their match. As Shawn backed away, Cody went to the ropes to loosen up. Shawn saw this as a perfect time to try to sneak up the pole and get the Golden Envelope, but Cody wasn’t going to have that and quickly yanked him off the pole and back into the ring.

    Cody told Shawn that they were going to go at it in the ring and Shawn acknowledged the challenge by moving over to the opposite corner. This merely allowed Cody to take a run for the pole himself, however, and he had to be torn off by Shawn before he got too far! The two fought to get up the pole a couple more times before finally locking-up. Tossing each other around, Cody got a headlock on Shawn, followed by a shoulderblock and a hiptoss, before running back to the corner. Shawn pulled Cody back down and the two struggled for a bit in the corner before Shawn tried to hiptoss Cody out of the way. Cody refused to budge and it was Cody that finally hiptossed Shawn across the ring! Tossing himself on top of Shawn as he got up, Cody fell backwards and appeared to just ram Shawn’s head into the mat as Shawn went flying across the ring again. Shawn elbowed Cody in the mouth, and Cody followed suit, which led to Shawn falling down with a look of shock on his face!

    Slowly rising, Shawn acted as if he were heading towards the pole, but then swerved around to hit Cody with a clothesline as Cody began to run towards the pole himself. Shawn then tossed Cody from the ring and began climbing, only to be elbowed by Cody from the outside and having his grip on the pole loosened so that he fell hard back into the ring. Shawn pulled Cody back off with a leg, but got a kick in the face in return and both men were down in the ring.

    An attempt to climb the pole by Cody was stopped when Shawn yanked him back down and Cody hit the top turnbuckle with his face while falling. The two chopped at each other before Shawn whipped Cody to a corner and then upside-down in the corner with the pole. Stepping over his tag-team partner, Shawn began climbing the pole, yet could not get very far with Cody tugging on his boots. Eventually Cody managed to swing Shawn’s legs from under him and Shawn when flying straight down on to the ropes, crotching himself! As Shawn winced in pain, Cody climbed the pole and retrieved the Golden Envelope, holding it high above Shawn’s desperate-looking eyes!

    How will Shawn take Cody’s win once again for the Golden Envelope? Will Cody be willing to stay tag-team partners with Shawn after all that has occurred? What plans are next for Katie Lea against ODB? What plans next for Beth Phoenix to stop Jacob Duncan from following her around? How much can Los Locos get for that recorder? And what exactly is going through the head of Shawn “Badseed” Osbourne?

    Only way to find out is to keep watching OVW Television on the CW Network in Cincinnati and Louisville! Until next time, don’t forget to check out the OWV Live Events in your area!

    Credit: Dale Sherman of OVWrestling.com (click through for the full report plus exclusive OVW news and photos from the event)

  • Matthew Michaels is editor emeritus of Pulse Wrestling, and has been since the site launched.