Evening all. Tom Pandich. Edge is the new Smackdown champ so tonight is his last night on Raw. Other stuff too!
Cena starts things off. We’re live from Hampton, VA. Cena’s title has been stolen. Khali is probably gnawing on it. Cena is depressed. He acknowledges how embarrassed he is at losing the title. Still, hate him or love him, Cena knows that we know that he respect the business. We go through how Khali is so powerful and what not. Cena gets pissed and says how much he wants his title back. He calls Khali out.
In the back, Khali has a translator. Video package. Translator says, if you want some, come get some to Cena. He heads to the back and gets his ass beat by Khali. We go to commercials.
Recap of what happened three seconds ago. Here comes the Hardies.
Trevor Murdoch vs Jeff Hardy
Tie up and they end up in the corner. Murdoch has a CLEAN BREAK. Hardy hits a few arm drags but misses the clothesline. Murdoch misses the clothesline too. Match is pretty boring. My DVR craps out too. Ah well. Hardy blows the Swanton, but wins with a roll up.
Winner: Jeff Hardy
They have a nice little moment afterwards.
Up later, Johnathan Coachman/Bobby Lashley and Edge’s Farewell Address.
We’re back. Snitsky has a video package…. of fear. Last week, Coach got squished. Shane gives Coach a pep talk in the back. Vince has taken to matching his doo-rags with his suits. More commercials.
Slam of the Week: Santino beats Masters. Painful realization of the week, it’s a Santino Marella/Chris Masters feud.
IC Title Match: Santino Marella vs Chris Masters
Masters tries for the Masterlock only to be dropped by a few hip tosses. Hammerlock is broken by Masters who hits a few back breakers for two. Marella fights back and hits some moves only to be midcard event spinebusted by Masters. Masters wants to go for the Masterlock but Marella slips out of it and tries a roll up. Masters blocks it and holds him in a wheelbarrow. A few shots and Marella rolls up Master for the win.
Winner: Santino Marella
Post match beat down by Masters. Commercials.
Condemned promo. Here comes Melina. She pops up on the announcer’s table.
Victoria vs Candice Michelle
Candice Michelle wins in a meh match. Poor Victoria. I miss crazy Victoria. Candice Michelle is improving, but Melina’s commentary is awful. Running heel kick finishes it.
Winner: Candice Michelle
Brief post match stare down. Melina calls Candice fat. Commercials.
Here comes Edge, and the #1 reason I’m watching Smackdown now. Edge recaps everything. Edge thought about leaving Raw with one last great Edge match. Edge doesn’t want to give these people a match. He’s great…. and that’s it……. or not.
Here comes Shawn Michaels in a baseball cap. Shawn tells Edge to leave us all with a memory…. and just leave. Edge challenges Shawn Michaels, right here tonight. That’s tonight now.
In the back, Bobby Lashley is being interviewed only to have Shane come out. Shane isn’t touching him….. cute bit. Coach/Lashley is next.
Jonathan Coachman vs Bobby Lashley
Umaga, Shane, and Vince come out first. Coach slaps Lashley. Lashley beats on Coach. Lashley spears Coachman for the win.
Winner: Bobby Lashley
Shane and Umaga hit the ring. Shane gets dumped. Umaga gets a brief advantage but he misses the corner crush. Spear to Umaga. Lashley stares down Vince and gives chase. Shane stops Lashley though who proceeds to give chase to Shane. Shane hops inside the sunroof of a limo that speeds off. Out of no where, belt shot to Lashley from Vince.
Recap of what just happened.
Carlito vs Val Venis
Eh. It’s Val. He never wins.
Winner: Carlito
Flair runs down. Carlito bails.
Shawn! Stretching! Randy! Wishing luck!?!? Not really. Randy says he thinks he can beat Shawn. Randy and Shawn set up a match for Sunday for the “neither of us are on the PPV” match.
Diva shit! Khali/Cena shit!
The card for Judgment Day:
-WWE Champion John Cena vs. The Great Khali
-World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Batista
-ECW World Champion Mr. McMahon, Shane McMahon & Umaga vs. Bobby Lashley (3-on-1 Handicap Rematch)
-2-out-of-3 Falls Match – United States Champion Chris Benoit vs. MVP
-Elijah Burke vs. CM Punk
Edge vs Shawn Michaels
The big gold belt looks so much better then the spinner. Shawn/Khali recap is shown.