[SPOILERS] Big Brother 8 – Daily Live Feed Recaps – Day 2 (7/6/07)

News, Shows, Spoilers

At 8:03 the first stir of house guests awaking, Kail is awake and talking to Jen who slept in the HOH bed with her.

Big Brother does not waste much time at 8:30 they wake everyone up announcing that the VETO competition will be in 90 minutes.

Dustin and Jen have a conversation, Jen tells him she believes that one of the first contestants booted out will come back in, and she believes it always is that way. That’s only years 1 and 2 someone didn’t return. Dustin thinks that people are taking this game way too seriously, that it is too early to be thinking about these things.

Mike and Zach spend considerably long time in the mirror primping and doing their hair.

By 9:00 am the houseguests are on lockdown inside as they prepare for the VETO competition.

Jameka reads some bible verses to Zach, Dani interrupts and they discuss how she went to Christian school and had all Christian academic style classes. BB calls Jameka to the DR and takes her bible, it seems it was not a religious bible but a self help type of bible which are forbidden in the house.

Dick and Amber discuss the VETO, She asked him to win the VETO for her if he gets to play, He kept reassuring her that she does not need it, that Carol will be leaving and tries to convince her to just leave nominations as they are so that Carol will leave.

Amber starts talking to Nick and others, telling them that if she wins VETO she will pull a Marcellas and not use it- that she will respect Keil’s decision. She wants reassurance from them that they will not vote her out if she does not use it. She starts saying she just does not want Carol to win because then she will be going home. That they should do everything they can so Carol does not win.

The people competing for VETO are: Nick, Keil, Carol, Amber, Dani and Jameka.

Dustin talks with Amber who again stresses that she wants to keep the nominations the same and respect Keil, Dustin tells her that it is a good idea. Amber then said that she believes GOD wants her to keep the nominations. Jameka comes in and Amber again tells her to try real hard for the VETO, do not let Carol get it. Carol enters and Amber comments that they have good people competing for VETO and it should be real fair.

VETO starts at 11:38 a.m. and lasts till 3:30 p.m. when we get feeds back. At that time we get one shot on all cameras of the HOH room with those not competing being sequestered in there. They were playing 2- questions and some were sleeping. (that was 4 hours at that point).

At 5:48 p.m. the feeds return again and everyone is accounted for. So the VETO competition took 7 hours to film! The house was trashed because it was some kind of scavenger hunt where VETO’s were hidden and they had to find them. Slop passes were hidden also, because we immediately see Dani chowing pizza so she must have won a slop pass! Seems those competing had headphones on the whole 7 hours so they did not hear BB talking to whose turn it was. It does not take long to figure out that DANI win the VETO. Each player hid a VETO symbol with their name on it. The last one not found won. Dani’s was not found.

Amber and Dani have a conversation about Dick. Dani explains that Dick has never been there for her, just wanted to be her friend and that being in the house does not change anything, that it is now just a n embarrassing public situation. Amber tells Dani that Dick told her that he had Dani’s back and that he loved her. Amber said that Dick cried to her and that he said she was her only friend. Amber swears on her child’s life that she won’t tell another HG about Dick telling her that he won’t put Dani up. (Amber really tried to sell Dick to Dani as being trustworthy).

At 9:00 PM after a lengthily lockdown outside the HG went in and started cleaning. Carol headed to the bedroom with Jenn and had this conversation while crying. Jenn came in to tell her she really needs to stop and Carol says “If you were in this position you wouldn’t be happy either….” Jenn smarts back that she is positive 98% of her life and Carol cries “I am happy 98% of my life, but not in this situation.”

Jenn asks Carol “have you watched the previous season? Do you realize that half the people nominated when they were happy they didn’t go home? That when they cry they are definetly sent home?”

Carol says “I’m not mad! It just sucks, I can’t win and I’m used to winning. I don’t know the feeling of not being able to accomplish something.”

She composed herself and exited the bedroom, went outside and cornered Joe, Carol practically begged Joe to help her get votes. She believed she had Jenn, Joe and Dani’s vote for sure, she thinks she might be able to get Nick’s and Zach’s

Dani confirms to Keil that she will not be using the VETO and that the nomination will stay the same.

Mike and Jenn have a “date” on the hammock. He gave her flowers and they headed to the hammock and eat grapes.

Meanwhile Dani and Nick heat up. They discuss alliances (trying to start one the SS (smart and Sexy) one), high school, food competition, restrictions and Jenn (who both want gone due to her crying and whining) Nick tells Dani that Joe is all about becoming famous.

Zach and Nick whisper some a bit later. They agree that people are setting up Jen to go next. They said that nobody suspects that they are in an alliance.

Jen flirts with Mike and wants a date, she wants to dress up in her cute clothes and high heels and flirt with him.

Many head to bed, Mike and Dick are the late night owls in the house. They made breakfast and chat outside. Eric got woken up by a squeal let out by Joe talking to Jessica, seems after he woke up Eric tried to go to the bathroom and tripped over a bunch of stuff that was blockading the doorway. Joe tried to tell him they put the stuff their so they could have privacy. Eric told Joe he was pissed that he was woken up and that it was fine for him to stay awake and talk but he should respect those trying to sleep!

Eric and Dick finally go to bed at 5:30 am.

Credit: Joker’s Updates

Sir Linksalot: Big Brother 8

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!