Brian Robbins Set To Helm Jailhouse Rock


Credit: Variety

No it isn’t a remake. In fact there isn’t even a single mention of Elvis Presley, but don’t worry because this is a totally different story.

Jailhouse Rock is going to be a film telling the true story of Bret Kaiser that organized a singing contest of “American Idol” proportions in an Arizona jail. Kaiser was a heavy-metal musician turned detention officer at the fourth largest jail in the United States, Arizona’s Tent City. He rallied thousands of inmates and got cell block violence down as they performed in an “Inmate Idle Singing Con-Test.” Alice Cooper was actually a guest judge for the finals.

Robbins said, “I don’t see this as a prison movie as much about the healing power of music. Like Coach Carter, which came from a newspaper article we read, there’s nothing better then real-life drama.