[SPOILERS] Big Brother 8 – Daily Live Feed Recap – Day 63 (9/5/07)

News, Shows, Spoilers

5:30 am-9 am
Everyone is laying in bed but both Jessica and Eric are awake and chatting. Jessica tells Eric that her brother said that her ex-boyfriend said to say hi. Eric then tries to figure out if there is a chance that Jessica will get back with her ex. She said that she hates on and off relationships, so probably not. Eric wasn’t convinced and asked Jess if she regrets time that she has spent with him and she says no. Later on, he rolls over and gives her a kiss on the forehead and asks if something is wrong. She replies no but that being on the block isn’t an easy feeling. Dick wakes up and goes outside to the backyard where he smokes and talks to himself for an hour before heading back to bed. He wakes up again an hour later upset that he can’t sleep. He says that he needs to win this HOH because he’s stressed to himself. He complains about the bugs and heads back to his bed to try and go back to sleep.

9 am-2 pm
BB wakes all the houseguests up at 11 am. Dick complains that he didn’t sleep because he was so tired. He tells Daniele that he is going to take a nap and to wake him up when Zach gets the camera to take pictures. Daniele goes outside to tan while Jameka, Jessica and Eric remain in bed. Zach asks if Daniele thinks it is possible that there will be a double eviction on Thursday, and she said no because it is too late. Zach tells Daniele that Dick asked him to write to Janelle that Dick will talk to her at the wrap party and they both laugh at Dicks expense. Daniele has asked him to write in his block that she can’t wait to go on her trip to the Serengeti with Nick. She also tells Zach that she doesn’t want HOH this week and that if it comes down to her and Dick that she will throw it. Daniele and Zach are the only ones talking, discussing cute Halloween costumes versus the dirty ones, Jessica is outside tanning. Daniele leaves and tells Dick that Eric has to go next week because she’d much rather compete against Zach and Jameka. They go over the facts that BB announces over the speakers in case they are important for the competition. Daniele says that Jessica has been really quiet around her, and it’s not just in Daniele’s head that that is happening.

2 pm-7 pm
Daniele tells Dick that Eric talked to her about how whatever happens happens and that he is here for the money and it doesn’t matter if you’re a millionaire, if you have the best gameplay, he’ll vote for you in the end. She calls him a liar and tells Dick that she is nervous for the HOH competition tomorrow. Dick talks about the deal he is going to offer Jessica. Eric knocks and enters the room and the three start talking about Jameka slamming doors and throwing stuff around the bedroom while they try and sleep*. Jameka asks Dick and Eric if they have any messages to send to the people in sequester. Dick tells her to tell Jen to seek professional help. Jessica asks Jameka if she has packed yet and Jameka states she only has a few things left. Jameka then tells Jessica to find out what Eric, Dick and Daniele were talking about earier in the round room. Zach comes out of HOH with the camera to take pictures of his and Dick’s tattoos. Eric mentions that the only houseguests that didn’t have any tattoos were Kail, Jessica, Mike and Jen. Zach then states that Kail had stretch marks and those are tattoos. Eric and Dick laugh about his comment. Lockdown is over and Zach takes a picture of Daniele while she was sleeping and she gets upset. She and Dick argue a bit and Dick gets upset that she is “acting up” again. Zach seemed to get his feelings hurt a bit when he was having a hard time getting people to take pictures, but then Dick, Eric and Jessica joined in. Dick wrote out “I Love Janelle” on the table in mustard and Zach took a picture of him. Dick and Zach talk about how they want to see Ratatouille when they get out. Jessica asks Eric what Dick and Daniele were saying in the round room earlier (see *) and Eric tells her. He then asks Jess why Jameka needs to know what he talks to Dick and Daniele about. Eric tells Jessica that he thinks HOH will be down to Jessica and Daniele and that Jessica can beat Daniele. Jessica begins packing but is having a hard time because she said that her mother always packs for her. Dick announces that there will be a 5 hour indoor lockdown. Eric tells Jess that she is not direct when he asks questions and he wants to know whether it is because he is just supposed to read her mind and know the answer or whether she just doesn’t want to tell him. She says it’s the latter. She tells him that she has thought about where their relationship is going a couple of times after Eric asks her. Eventually the conversation ends on the note that Eric has airline miles to visit Jessica in Kansas.

7 pm- 12 am
Eric tells Dick that he has washed 6000 dishes compared to Dicks 10000. After Eric leaves, Daniele and Dick mention that Eric has always been a big talker about what he does. Daniele mentions that she thinks there will be a lot of fan questions tomorrow because there will be a lot of time. Zach and Daniele talk about how Jen didn’t shower for a week and when she did, there was hair all over the floor. Dick goes outside to smoke and he, Zach, Daniele and Eric look toward what they have set up for the HOH competition. They said that it doesn’t look like it is going to be questions because there is a slope and it looks like something to catch balls. BB then calls another lockdown. Zach asks Daniele who her letter would be from if she were to win HOH. She said it would probably be her grandmother. Jameka tells Eric that she wants Jess to stay just so she can compete and get them (Dick and Daniele) out. Eric confirms that he will be voting for Jessica to stay. Jessica complains about the cold showers after Jameka said it wasn’t so bad. Eric tells Jessica that he was talking to Daniele about how weird it was to see Jessica’s bed area empty after she packed and Daniele said but in 24 hours, it’ll look like a tornado hit it after she dumps it all out again, so they think Daniele is voting to keep Jessica. Eric and Jessica talk about their impending nuptials. Jessica wants her brother to be her Maid of Honor and the wedding is scheduled for November in a Catholic Church. Jessica hid the dolphin statue that was in Zach’s HOH from his mom and hid it in one of the beds in the little bedroom. Dick and Daniele jedi train over previous events in preparation of tomorrow HOH.

12 am- 7 am
Jameka tells Jessica that she is not confident with Eric left in the house because he sucks at competitions. Jessica says that she’ll be pissed if she leaves and finds out that Eric has been lying to her about staying. Eric trashes Jameka to Dick and Daniele. Eric leaves and Daniele tells Dick seem to be getting along well now. Jessica and Eric begin chit chatting and making out. Jessica practices her speech for tomorrow saying that she is not ready to end her journey yet in the house. She’s grown so close to all of you, except Zach. Dick and Daniele both agreed that they are nervous about the upcoming HOH. Eric whispers to Jessica in bed “would you believe it if I told you you’re incredible” to which she answered yes. He then tries to adjust his pants because they were up to high and he is obviously “excited” to which he says excuse me in an embarrassed tone, grabs it and moves it downward. Eric suggests that once they get out of the game, that they should just leave the game behind. He doesn’t want to get upset with her for saying something on the show and doesn’t want to fight about the game. Blanket dropped off Jessica for a minute and it shows Eric was massaging her breasts. Jessica tells Eric that she thinks Dustin was using Amber in the game and Amber thought they were playing together. Eric continues to try and get Jessica to admit her true feelings, since he has told her that he really likes her, but she seems to not want to commit. Eric and Jessica continue to talk about little things. He then says “I’m really falling for you” and Jessica replies I’m really falling for YOU. Then Eric figures out that she is just repeating everything that he is saying. Everyone seems to be sleeping around 6:30 am.

Credit: Joker’s Updates

Sir Linksalot: Big Brother 8

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!