Fall Frenzy: Remote Destination – Thursday/Friday

Features, Shows

Welcome back. We’ve finally reached the final leg of my breakdown of what my Fall TV Schedule looks like. Let’s just jump into it, shall we?


There’s one new show I’m trying out. Everything else is a returning favorite. Or a returning obligatory watch. Either way, it’s still a rather hectic night.

Grey’s Anatomy – I’ll certainly miss Preston Burke, he was one of this show and televisions better characters. But why dwell on the behind the scenes drama when the soapy nature of this show is just so juicy. Is Callie going to find out about Izzie and George? How is Meredith going to deal with her sister being in the hospital? And what about George having a do-over? This show is on equal “guilty pleasure” stature with Prison Break.

NBC’s Thursday Night Comedies – I know for a fact that there are still episodes of My Name is Earl, The Office, Scrubs and 30 Rock from last season that I’ve yet to watch. I’m a slacker, it’s my nature to procrastinate. But I promise that this season, I’ll try my best not to get too far behind on these shows, some of them being the best sitcoms on television.

Smallville – And now we come to the obligatory part; I don’t really enjoy this show as much as I used to. But I watch it because I dig Lex. Still it’d be nice if Pete could stop by for a visit.

Big Shots – Really, don’t ask me why I’m trying out a show about four white guys. And it’s being described as a male Sex in the City too? Ugh, the more I think about this show, the more I’m probably going to tune out.

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – I’m so pumped for this show to return. I love it like no other. I really just hope that it stays the course and continues to slay.


I usually don’t watch tv on Friday. This year might be different.

Moonlight – I enjoyed Alex O’Loughlin’s run on The Shield last season. It was strong enough to get me to consider possibly trying this show out. Once. Maybe.

And that’s about it. Six days, twenty-seven shows. Who knows, I may even write about some of them.

Sir Linksalot: Television News