Fall Frenzy: The Groove Tube – Reaper Review

Features, Shows

The Pitch: Sam Oliver, a 21 year-old college dropout content with a job at Home Depot, wakes up one morning to find his life turned upside-down: his parents, you see, sold his soul to the devil…

Sounds like: A slacker version of Buffy, The Vampire Slayer

What I Liked: Sam and his “Scooby Gang”: “Sock”, Andi, Ben & Josie.
Plus, maybe the MVP of the show: Ray Wise (Leyland Palmer, Twin Peaks) as the

What I Didn’t Like: Sam’s parents and brother could use a little fleshing out…

The Verdict: The best pilot I’ve seen thus far. Losing Hall of Famers
Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars, the CW desperately needs
strong new dramas like Reaper and Gossip Girl to succeed and
stick around for awhile. They can’t expect Top Model to continue carrying the network on its back. The one challenge Reaper faces: it will eventually have to grow to be more than a one-note joke…

Sir Linksalot: Reaper