Fall Frenzy: The Groove Tube – Dirty Sexy Money

Features, Shows

The Pitch: Nick George (Peter Krause, Six Feet Under) grew up in the shadow of the Darlings, the wealthiest family this side of the Hiltons. He’s thrown back into their lives after his father, a former Darling employee, dies under mysterious circumstances…

Sounds like: If the Royal Tenenbaums hired a full-time lawyer

What I Liked: There are some very good actors on this show: Krause, Donald Sutherland, Jill Clayburgh. The question is always going to be the quality of the material they’re working with

What I Didn’t Like: A little too over the top (the aspiring Senator sleeping with a tranny, the misfit youngest son, etc.): are all filthy rich families really like this?

The Verdict: As with Gossip Girl, I’ll give Dirty Sexy Money a month or so and get back to you. The pilot certainly didn’t blow me away, though. And I don’t see the Dynasty/old-school soap comparisons: it’s more like a quirkier version of the somewhat recent failure Pasedena, with a little Desperate Housewives thrown in for good measure (and I could do without the grossly over-used voiceover as well)

Sir Linksalot: Dirty Sexy Money