A Case of the…. Smallville – Episode 7-1


Who would have ever guessed that Smallville would make it to season seven? Every time I mention the show to non-viewers, they always say “that show’s still on?” And you know what? This show deserves to be on its seventh season. The character development has been phenomenal. Take a look at Lex, Chloe, and Lionel, in particular, during season one, and compare them to their characters now. Even Clark and Lana have grown in their own ways (although their changes are more subtle).

Before I get to the premiere (which I enjoyed very much), let me rant about something. The creators have always played by this “no flight, no tights” rule, and aside from a brief moment in the season four premiere they’ve complied by this statute. However, I’m more convinced now than ever that this has become more of a restriction than a rule. No, I don’t believe he should be parading around in blue tights calling himself Superman, but I don’t think that the show would hindered by Clark having the ability to fly. I would venture that when this rule was made, the creators didn’t think that they’d make it seven seasons. I bet they never would have thought that they’d make Lois Lane a series regular, either. Clark is now, what, 20 years old or so? It’s been nearly a decade since he discovered he’s indestructible. It’s been five years or so since he developed the ability to use heat and X-ray vision. Aside from super breath, he hasn’t acquired any new abilities, and Clark is more in touch with his Kryptonian roots than he ever has been. Whether or not this is the final season, Clark really needs to learn how to fly by the finale. Like Chloe said, “you really need to get on that.”

By the way, did anybody else notice the new cast order in the opening credits? Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor) now has second billing. His work has been excellent, and he truly deserves it.

So, the premiere I loved, LOVED the Bizzaro stuff. I especially loved how Bizarro wore the inverse of Clark’s outfit. Clark was wearing a red jacket over a blue t-shirt, and Bizarro was wearing a navy jacket over a maroon t-shirt (the opposite, but with duller colors). The graphic of Bizarro’s “stone face” was also very cool looking. I also really enjoyed how the show brought attention to how Clark receives his strength from the yellow sun. The fact that Bizarro wasn’t conclusively “killed” also keeps me hopeful that he returns someday. In fact, if this is the final season, I think it would be great if Clark had to battle all of his major foes in one epic battle.

Last season’s finale promised that somebody would die, and even hinted that more than one major character would. By the end of the episode, it appeared that both Lana and Chloe had bit the dust. Now, it’s obvious that neither of them did. So who died, exactly? To tell you the truth, I’m not disappointed, and I don’t feel ripped off. I’ve stated numerous times in the past why I don’t think Lana should be killed off, and I think there’s still a lot of fuel left in Chloe’s character. The only thing I am disappointed about is the fact I was looking forward to seeing Lois more at the forefront, and having a smaller cast would allow her relationship with Clark to develop on a more personal level.

I stated this in my last Smallville column, but Laura Vandervoort as Supergirl is a huge gain for this show. She’s a very attractive and talented actress, and I’m very excited to see how she tackles this role. Her saving Lex has some very interesting possibilities. Oh, and please, PLEASE give me at least a few scenes of Kara and Lana together. Thank you in advance. By the way, I also want to acknowledge the very cool effect of Lex’s car at the bottom of the flood. Very well done.

Speaking of Lex, I’m interested in seeing where his character goes. How will he react to the fact that Lana is not dead? Or when he meets Kara for the first time, only to discover that she’s Clark’s cousin? Is he truly “saved,” or is he up to something? Oh, and since I’m asking random questions, who pulled Lionel from the water?

I do have one minor complaint, though. So Lana goes incognito by escaping to China, and in order to avoid detection, decides to wear a bright blonde wig and a revealing red outfit? Talk about sticking out like a sore thumb. Aside from being undeniably beautiful, Lana is a pretty ordinary person. I’d think she’d manage to avoid detection just living an unextraordinary life in a highly populated country.

I will admit, though, that I am intrigued by Lana’s fake death. I initially thought that Clark was responsible (and I guess that’s still a possibility), but based on his various heart to hearts, it seems like that’s not the case. I find it hard to believe that Lana could orchestrate such a ruse on her own, so who is her partner in crime? I suppose Lionel is the next best possibility, but even that seems like a stretch. After all, why have that final phone conversation if the two of them are the only ones who know that she’s still alive? Why not have that conversation with Chloe or Clark? I’m interested to see how the rest of this plays out.

Sir Linksalot: Television News

Matt Basilo has been writing for Inside Pulse since April 2005, providing his insight into various popular television shows. Be sure to visit his blog at [a case of the blog] and follow him on Twitter.