SKTV: The Office


I watched last night’s Office this morning, and I kinda wish they’d just stick to the one-hour format and find a new home for Scrubs, because there’s so much funny stuff here.

  • Dwight v. The Computer! Great not only because they got him going, but because they paid it off by Dwight showing that he was still a great salesman and Pam conceding victory to him in the end to make him feel better.
  • Michael’s repeated short jokes to Angela, which were just so mean and random that you had to laugh each and every time. I love the new emotive Angela.
  • Speaking of Angela, I laughed EXTRA hard at Phyllis trying empathy statements on her, because that’s exactly the tactic they teach you in retail management, right down to the positive reinforcement stuff she was trying with the spoons and forks. She even made sure to turn everything into an “I” statement instead of a “you” statement! Obviously someone on the writing staff had to sit through a conflict management seminar before.
  • The bit at the beginning with the DVD screensaver is another true-to-life moment that this show does so well, because we’ve all been there.
  • And Andy! How can you not love the guy? The phone serenade nearly stole the show after Angela spent the previous 40 minutes trying for the MVP award herself.
  • “It’s made things unpleasant between them. And they’re both already prone to unpleasantness.”
  • Jim’s snark while Michael was “negotiating” with the pizza place was also a nice touch we haven’t seen from him in a while. Jim and Michael together are gold.
  • “Tie goes to the girlfriend.” How very true.
  • Kelly was also adorable as usual (“But you can put the little paper into the shopping cart!”) and Dwight’s response was hilarious.

Best episode of the season thus far.

Sir Linksalot: The Office