Looking To The Stars – Green Arrow/Black Canary #1 Redeux – Part One

Features, Reviews

Some of you may remember that, in Times Past, I did write parodies of particularly bad comics.

Today, taking inspiration from the format of The Editing Room as well as the numerous comic-book redubs created by the amazing Christopher Bird of mightygodking.com, I have taken the next step in continuing my own tradition as well as evolving the artform of comic book satire.

With that in mind, I hope you enjoy this presentation of Green Arrow/Black Canary #1 – free of all the pretentions of the original author and artist.

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The Green Arrow/Black Canary #1 Redeux is a critique/satire published by ComicsNexus.com, and is not intended maliciously. ComicsNexus.com has invented all names and situations in its stories, except in cases when public figures are being satirized. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental, or used as a fictional depiction or personality parody (permitted under Hustler Magazine v. Fallwell, 485 US 46, 108 S.Ct 876, 99 L.Ed.2d 41 (1988)). ComicsNexus.com makes no representation as to the truth or accuracy of the preceding information.

He stands at the center of the universe, old as the stars and wise as infinity. And he can see the turning of the last page long before you’ve even started the book. He’s like rain and fog and the chilling touch of the grave. He is called many names in a thousand tongues on a million worlds. Heckler. The Smirking One. Riffer. The Lonely Magus. Wolf-Brother. The God of Snark. Mister Pirate. The Guy In The Rafters. Captain. The Voice In The Back. But here and now, in this place and in this time, he is called The Starman. And... he's wonderful.