In Hindsight: Survivor: China Episode 15-8


On the felt, being a talkative, annoying ass has worked well for Jean-Robert Bellande. On Survivor, it got him to the second level, but it wasn’t enough to get him to the final table as he busted out.

Reward Challenge
Recruiting Courtney for a physical challenge? Never a good idea. Courtney gassed out so quickly that she was never a factor here. But at the same time, the foursome of James, Jean-Robert, Todd and Amanda would’ve been tough for any combination of the other five to handle, so Denise probably would’ve served to only make the challenge a bit more competitive, but probably the outcome was not in doubt.

Very cool reward to visit a Chinese village, but somehow, I don’t think the food and servers were from there. And given that it’s Survivor, I don’t even know if the village was the real deal or not. Still, any time you get a chance to get away from the camp and chill can’t be all bad. Except that it gives the other castaways a chance to plot, which is what the former Zhan Hu tribe did. They tried to recruit Denise into creating a tie between Peih Gee and… well, anyone, but that was obviously not gonna happen.

Immunity Challenge
Upon hearing the description of this challenge, it was pretty obvious that one of Todd, Courtney and Frosti would win, as weight would work against you. In the end, Courtney’s size (or lack thereof) won out over Frosti’s ability to balance to win immunity. Let’s hear it for being incredibly thin!

Now it’s at this point where the intrigue sets in. James became a target because of his possessing the Immunity Plaques, but Jean-Robert was also targeted because… well, people just didn’t like him. Meanwhile, in the background is that kid who has finished top two in the last two immunities, and was a major factor in the Zhan Hu challenge victories. Don’t ignore Frosti, people.

Tribal Council
OK, so if I got this straight, Denise voted for Peih Gee, Peih Gee, Erik and Jean-Robert voted for James and everyone else voted for Good Ol J.R. Jean Robert probably thought he was holding an Ace-King (yeah he didn’t say that, but bear with me), but there’s a reason why they call it the Anna Kournikova – it looks pretty, but rarely wins.

Yes, this was an excuse to show a picture of Ms. Kournikova

Coming out of this, I’m really not sure where Denise stands with things but it’s clear that she’s not part of the core alliance. For that matter, I’m not exactly sure what the core alliance is, apart from Todd and Amanda. It seems like James, Courtney, Denise and Frosti are all aligned with Todd and Amanda in some fashion, but how far does that alliance go? And is Todd trying to juggle too many things at once in his attempt to control the game? The great players in the game probably wouldn’t have voted out Jean-Robert because he suggested the same thing that you were going to do – vote out James. Is James on notice now? I guess time will tell…

That’s all for this week.

Sir Linksalot: Survivor: China

Kevin has been an Insider since 2003, writing on a variety of topics ranging from The Amazing Race to Mixed Martial Arts. His current hobbies include Fantasy Football, Sporcle, travelling, making liberal use of his DVR and wondering what the heck he's gonna do when his two daughters are old enough to date. You can follow Kevin on Twitter (@starvenger).