Richly Deserved: Big Brother – Episode 9-13


Big Brother is not a team game.

– James Rhine, Big Brother 6, 7

The couples may be split but now, two distinct groups have formed. It’s the 2008 version of the Nerd Herd vs. the Sovereigns. And we’ll have all the action a little later on.

But first.

It’s still baffling why CBS insisted on putting Big Brother up against American Idol. I mean, why would you schedule the fourth of the four Reality TV Major Championships directly against the first? But the news may not be all bad. There’s still plenty of interest in the live feeds. The numbers on Showtime for the late night show are probably still good. And the time-shift and PVR ratings help the show’s overall numbers. This major is not dead yet.

Secondly, anyone see the pics of Josh using drugs? And of course, Matt has a ‘nigga’ comment floating out there as well. What a fun bunch, eh?

Anyway soooooo, Sharon vows to fight on after her nomination. Chelsea is frustrated with being nominated and being on slop at the same time. Josh felt nervous through the whole process and while he was sorry to see Chelsea put up, James felt he had to do what he had to do.

Sharon told the group that the guys are sticking together. Actually her words were ‘Penises stick together’. Ouch! Anyhow Josh was comfortable because as a gay guy, he can bond with guys or girls. Ryan reassures Josh he won’t be backdoored. Josh vows to be open with Ryan. Josh does have a problem with Matt so he feels he can’t really trust the guys. Chelsea meanwhile doesn’t trust anyone but James.

Once again, Matt puts down Natalie. Once again Natalie doesn’t totally buy it. But this time she tells Sheila and Sharon that she’s sick of him putting her down and says she doesn’t care if Matt goes home.

Josh then comes up with an idea and this can change the course of the game.

He tells the women that he intends to promise Ryan that if he backdoors Matt, he guarantees himself two weeks of safety. Natalie confronts Matt in the bathroom and after an exchange about how he is treating her, he reassures her that they’re still partners. Natalie then tells him of Josh’s plan and has him promise that he won’t tell anyone. That lasts a minute as Matt immediately goes to the HOH room to tell Ryan.

Then Josh goes into the HOH room to make his deal to Ryan. Ryan told him that Natalie told Matt about their deal. Josh then told Chelsia and Sheila. Matt tells Ryan to do what he has to do. Ryan is seriously considering Josh’s offer.

Time to pick the players for the veto competition. It’s back to the six-player competition of past seasons. Ryan draws houseguest choice and smartly picks Adam. Chelsia draws Sheila. Sharon draws Josh. The group soon after go to Ryan and again promise him two weeks of safety if he backdoors Matt.

Matt explains the veto rules. It is a pool table with several holes, the middle one being a veto hole. Players shoot the ball as close as they can to the veto hall. The furthest one is eliminated each round but then goes to pick a prize from a ball. The prize could be the veto or a real prize. They can trade their prize with someone else who chose before them.

First round. Ryan ends up seven holes from the veto hole. Sheila however ends up nine holes from the target. She is eliminated and in her prize bag is the veto. The second round goes and Sharon is eliminated. She pulls out a motorcycle which she immediately trades to Sheila for the veto.

Josh was eliminated next. He wins a letter from home which he chooses to keep. Adam is eliminated after that and wins $10,000. In one of the sweetest moments of the season, he trades it to Sheila for the motorcycle, saying she needs the money more than he does. Baller, we forgot what you said that got people so upset in Episode 2 but you are forgiven!

The final round went to Ryan. Chelsea won a slop pass which she immediately traded to Sharon for the veto. Ryan ended up with Jen Johnson’s red unitard from last year. Ryan in Jen’s unitard. What a visual. Except we thankfully didn’t see it as he traded it to Sheila for the $10,000. Sheila was naturally upset.

James hugs veto winner Chelsia, who is relieved. Josh and Sharon are a bit concerned. Matt is confident Ryan has his back. The group again promise Ryan safety if he backdoors Matt.

Sheila models herself in Jen’s unitard. She looks great for 45 (not as great as Carol Alt looks for 48 but still). She appreciated Adam’s gesture but was still upset at Ryan. Chelsia told her “don’t play the single mom card”.

Uh oh.

Sheila vents. To the diary room. To Adam. To Natalie. Sheila then gets the revelation that Josh, James, Chelsia, and Sharon are using her vote but don’t have her back. So she goes to Ryan, tells her she’s not mad, and convinces him that the only two that truly have his back are Matt and Adam (and partners Natalie and Sheila). She worked him as well as Tracy worked Joel in Survivor: Micronesia two weeks back or as well as Cirie worked Ozzy and Amanda last week (Tracy won a Reality TV Honor Roll spot for that, Cirie was already on the list).

Time for the veto ceremony. Chelsia was confident. Josh was very excited that he made “the biggest strategic move in Big Brother history”.

Sharon put up little fight in insisting Chelsia use the veto on herself, which she does. Ryan stands up, says he’s putting “one of my bros” on the block, and names James.

Matt tells the others “It’s on” (which sounded almost as good as Monica’s It’s Awwwwwwn). Josh vowed to win the war.

And as you’ll likely see on Wednesday’s show (unless you watched the Sunday live feeds and have seen it already), war breaks out.

Who will go? More importantly, who are YOU bringing back into the house (my choice is Amanda, I can’t wait for her to scream a big ‘ol BUUUUEEEEEENOOOOOOOO! in his ear).

For those of you who hated the new season in the beginning, welcome back!

Sir Linksalot: Big Brother 9