Captain’s Log: Big Brother – Episode 9-20


I don’t know how many of you actually watch Big Brother After Dark on Showtime, but the stuff that goes on in that house when it isn’t on CBS is just insane. Let’s leave it at that. Not to mention that last season was a lot better in that respect as the houseguests seemed to relax when the cameras were “off,” so to speak. This year they are constantly gossiping and talking about the game. Gets kind of annoying quite honestly. But that doesn’t mean it is any less exciting and that leads us to this evening and another eviction coming up.

We get a run through of everything that has been going on including Matt being kicked out and Adam winning the HOH, while James won the POV and saved himself from any chance of elimination. At least for this week. Chelsia and Sharon (in place of James) are now on the block as Natalie lobbies to get revenge on those who got Matt kicked out. And Evel Dick made an appearance to wake up the house for the POV which also helped work into Natalie’s hair-brained “power of eight” theory. Things are nutty I tell you, nutty.

Day 49 and Natalie is no more Mr. Nice Guy…Gal. The way she seemed to work Adam was really good considering how stupid I’ve been thinking she is. Easter in the BB house showed that there was a bit of cracking going on with many things besides eggs. The house truly is divided now and Natalie looks a helluva lot hotter to me now then she already did. I like her being evil.

Can Sharon go please? PLEASE!

Chelsia relives her bond with James that has grown and become hated by others. Now they lay in the bed together again as Chelsia cries. Bleh. She knows that developing feelings for James has screwed her over in the game. He’s a bum girl, a dirty bum.

Wow, Natalie really is stupid.

Natalie: “It’s All-Timer’s Disease! Old-Hymers?”

Chelsia says she is going out of the house with a bang if she is going out. She then just randomly grabs a couple Easter eggs and breaks them on the counter and on the floor. Wow, then she goes ballistic and starts smushing all the rest of the eggs in the bowl that everyone dyed. She is loud-capping Natalie now as Boobs just sits in her room painting her toenails and talking to herself. I want to see a chick fight.

Ryan and Adam discuss how Chelsia is going home. HA! James doesn’t even want to be connected with her right now because “it sucks seeing someone turn into a raging bitch.”

Natalie wants Chelsia out, duh. Sheila also wants her gone.

Julie calls Adam “baller.” Awkward. They then discuss his obsession with baby food. Actually, cherry vanilla pudding isn’t bad at all. The houseguests get to see the arrival of Evel Dick. Sheila is in love with him it seems. Discussion with Natalie about Matt’s eviction comes up and she says she is doing great, but still misses him. Sharon talks or something.

A background of Adam is shown with his family watching him on TV. I don’t think I could hear the word “baller” then I did in this segment. His mom says he acts tough and is, but there is a very sweet person inside him once you get to really know him. His brother says that he bets no-one can understand a word he says 90% of the time. His mom says he has Rain Man in him! HA! A friend of mine told me yesterday that she thinks Adam knows a lot more of what is going on then he lets on. I am beginning to agree.

Josh says Chelsia is showing her dark side now. Ryan wants her gone. James compares her to the Titanic and she is sinking and bringing him down with her. Interesting.

Adam is in the HOH room and talks about Sheila and how their relationship has gotten stronger. He also says that he did want Alex back in, but didn’t because James was sitting right there. He really seems like a nice guy. The nominees are now about to speak their sides to try and save themselves.

Sharon looks very confident and doesn’t say much of crap. Chelsia looks very cute and says she wants to stay, but knows everything happens for a reason. She then does an odd campaign speech and says she didn’t breastfeed off of anyone. Ok.

Boobs McGee votes first and of course votes out Chelsia. Josh regretfully evicts Chelsia. Ryan votes for Chelsia and that is the majority. Sheila also votes for Chelsia though as does James!!! By a vote of 5 – 0, the next out is:


Chelsia hears the vote and goes off on Ryan, Natalie, and Sheila big time. She does some whispering to Josh and kisses James goodbye. Afterwards, there are some sad faces and some others just ripping Chelsia a new one. She says that Josh could win this whole thing and she was giving him a pep talk. She then says she told James that everything happens for a reason and she also told him to play with his head and not his heart like she did. Chelsia goes on to say it was a big mistake voting James back in.

Josh says he will take out Adam and Natalie. Sharon is sorry. Boobs gives words of wisdom to her. James shares his love. Now she is crying. Man, she truly does love him. Hope she likes riding around in the basket on a bike, but then she says she needs to watch the season before saying if she wants to continue the relationship with James outside the house. That got a big chuckle from Julie.

HOH competition time and the backyard is decorated in red, white, and blue for a game called “Big Brother Election.” They must answer questions that were asked to America and see how they do. Everyone is blindfolded for this game. Questions about charity, egotism, stupidity, and other things are the question topics. The person who is furthest after seven questions wins. Boobs McGee has the lead halfway through and it continues to the end as our new HOH is:


Ryan is ecstatic as he celebrates with Boobs, Sheila, and Sharon. Joshuah is not happy at all and who didn’t see that coming? Everyone is in the living room as Boobs has a huge smile on her face and is just so excited. That is about it.

That is it for this week as I have a good feeling who is going to end up on the block at the hands of Natalie, but will they stay there when POV comes around? Tune in Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesdays of each week or stay tuned here at Inside Pulse for all your BB needs. This is your Captain speaking and it is getting closer and closer to the end folks so get ready for your in-flight meal.

Sir Linksalot: Big Brother 9