Ring of Honor Videowire 05/22/2008 – Facepalm Edition


The new Ring of Honor videowire is now up for all those interested in following the company. The majority of the video wire showcases the company’s debut at the Hammerstein venue in New York City and furthers angles featuring Brent Albright and his departure from Sweet & Sour, the Delirious/Daizee Haze/Rhett Titus love triangle, and the Jimmy Jacobs/Austin Aries/Lacey… love triangle.

Most notably, the video wire was marked by amateur and third-rate production handling. The original version of the video that went up featured a hackneyed audio track which didn’t follow the video at all. There were four different such versions depending on which source you used to view the video. The video remained live for at least 12 hours, even after Booker Gabe Sapolsky was notified and acknowledged the errors in production.

Also make note of the company’s epileptic seizure inducing, “HeadOn – Apply directly to the forehead” inspired “May 30th Premiere May 30th Premiere May 30th Premiere May 30th Premiere May 30th Premiere” line of advertising on the bottom of the videowire. You CAN’T miss it.



Can the company regress anymore as it grows?

It’s getting embarrassing. Get it together guys.

Current mood: Better Than You
Currenly Listening: Weezer – “Thought I Knew”