90210 – Episode 1-8 Review

Let me tell you what I did during my two weeks off…….NOTHING! I caught the dreaded flu and couldn’t do anything. Not even talk. Well don’t worry I’ll still be here next week to do the review (in case you guys decide to watch the election results instead. Have fun voting! I don’t have to, because I don’t live in the U.S.) Onto tonight’s episode…

When we last left off two weeks ago Naomi was pissed at Adriana. While she was dissing her on the phone saying “You’re dead to me”, Adriana was lying unconscious from a drug overdose. But Adriana lives and Naomi is cleared. Adriana is sent to guess where……REHAB. While Naomi is sentenced to detention for the rest of the semester, but she makes a friend. I didn’t get his name though but he speaks fluent spanish like Luke Perry in early original 90210 days. She get a big reality check, though. “Not everything is about you!” I get that all the time.

Meanwhile everyone is abuzz about the homecoming dance. Ethan and Annie set up a non-date (plus she goes for her driving permit and passes. I didn’t get my permit until I was 17). And surprisingly Annie wants to help Naomi and for the first time since episode 1 they bond and she gets invited to some pre-dance makeover thing. Dixon wants to take Silver to the dance but she’s not into that sort of thing. But she gets her wisdom teeth pulled (ouch that must hurt like hell. I haven’t had them pulled yet).

Navid picks up a story about Rehab and goes around with Adriana for info. He later is off the story but he supports her. Later on in the episode, Adriana goes to the dance because she has an evening pass. She goes back to her old habits but she is stopped from entering the car by Navid. It turns out his dad paid for her rehab and admits that he had a crush on her for a long time. Awwwwww!

Most of the episode is revolved around Adriana trying to get a hold of Naomi to forgive her but every time sends Naomi a text message, Naomi deletes the messages.

So at the Dance Ethan and Annie eventually dance (why do you think they call it a dance?). Naomi isn’t too happy about seeing them dancing together (get over it stupid). Silver eventually finds out that Dixon is so into dances and she changes her mind about staying home (I just realized something by the time the original 90210 did their dance episode it was like near the end of the first season and in the newer one it happens in episode 8). Except in this one we don’t find out how becomes king and or queen. Ryan also catches Kimberly buying drugs and it turns out she’s a narc (we figured that out like one episode ago) and Ryan tells her to drop the sassy attitude already. Turns out that is her personality and they start making out (Isn’t this guy dating Kelly?).

One more thing: Debbie has had it up to here with Tracy pulling her husband away from her and threatens to kick her ass if she tries to break up their marriage.

Coming up next week: PARTY AT SILVER’S!!!!! (how long is Kelly gone again?) and it looks like Ethan and Annie’s relationship gets hotter and the countdown clock begins on how long it will take until Naomi explodes. So have fun voting everyone!!!!!

Samantha Tschetter loves writing as a hobby and plans on becoming a library technician check out her fan fiction site at http://wthics.piczo.com