*** Full Impact Pro DVD Reviews by Brad Dykens ***
May 30, 2008 – Crystal River, Florida – IN FULL FORCE 2008
Originally posted at OnlineWorldofWrestling.com.
Chris Jones vs. Dingo: ROH student Dingo made his way to the ring and got heckled by the rowdy fans. Dingo has stars tattooed on his torso, which looks really sexy on a chick, but really dumb on a dude. He also has a huge tattoo of something on his back that looks like a big pool of ink. His opponent was the beloved Chris Jones, who is receiving a pretty good push in FIP. Jones was definitely in the fast lane with this victory over the Dingo.
Damien Wayne (w/Heartbreak Enterprises & Babydoll) vs. Kyle O’Reilly : “Head of Security” Phil Davis came out and frisked ring announcer Jonathan Gold before “Superstar” Sean Davis appeared from behind the curtain with “the Perfect 10” Babydoll on his arm. Last time Babydoll wore jeans and a t-Shirt and didn’t fit the gimmick at all, but this time she was appropriately dolled up. Superstar Sean ranted for a while and said he would go to Japan and bring back his “pearl of the Orient.” Sean then introduced Heartbreak Enterprise member Damien Wayne. His opponent was Pacific Northwest wrestler Kyle O’Reilly – making his debut in the FIP. These matches don’t usually last as long as this one did. It was very competitive until a little Heartbreak Enterprise chicanery lead to a victory for Mr. Damien Wayne!
Daizee Haze vs. Rain: Rain sauntered out to the ring, and since the Age of the Fall is babyface in FIP, she playfully bumped fists with lucky ringsiders before stepping into the ring. One kid yelled “take it off,” while a grown man (presumably his dad) yelled “rain on me!” Families who perv together, stay together. Daizee Haze was considerably more adored by the Florida fans. The perv kid yelled something else, and the Haze turned around and said “you’re bad!” while waving her finger at him. They started out with a hand-shake, which felt strange – considering Rain’s heel reputation everywhere else. The Haze finished the Rain off with the Heart-punch/Mind-trip combination and shook hands with the Wet One after the match.
PROMO: Davey Richards came out and hurled threats at the hecklers in the audience to get a little heat on himself. Davey said it was beneath him to have to wrestle in front of the Crystal River fans. Davey explained that he wrestles around the world and makes more money in a week than the fans do in a whole year. Davey said he was there to help his friend Roderick Strong, who has a problem with some idiot muscle-head named Erick Stevens. Davey promised to break Stevens in the king of white trash towns, Crystal River!
Erick Stevens vs. Davey Richards: This was an intense ROH-style match between two world class athletes. Florida hero Erick Stevens pulled out a victory over Davey Richards on his way towards his show-down with FIP World Heavyweight champion Roderick Strong!
Black Market (Shawn Murphy & Joey Machete) vs. The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis & Jon Davis): Black Market got the early upper hand by attacking the Dark City Fight Club during their introduction. Full Impact Pro has brewed some of the most intense tag team rivalries in independent wrestling and this feud is quickly becoming worthy of that reputation. In the tradition of most Anything Goes matches, they took the fight all over the building, bouncing off the walls and splattering themselves on the floor. There are so many naive little kids that go to FIP events, and some get so dangerously close to the action. The commentators abandoned their positions several times, explaining that they could not “see” the action – even though commentary is added in post production (it’s a nice added touch). It goes without saying that Joey Machete was bloodied by the Fight Club, because he bleeds in every singles match (it seems). After some out of control action, while Murphy was dominating Chavis on the floor, Jon Davis planted a bloody Machete in the ring with a Rock-bomb for the 1-2-3 to win the match! Murphy was caught off guard and ran back to the ring to chase Davis away from his partner. The Dark City Fight Club win this battle, but the war continues….. After the match, Kory Chavis insulted the fans and said he wished they would have set Black Market on fire last month. Murphy wanted to go back to the ring and fight, but Machete turned around and walked back to the locker-room. Chavis complained about the lack of competition and said everybody in Crystal River can burn in hell!
PROMO: Scott Too Hotty made his debut appearance for FIP and praised the promotion for being one of the best in the world. The YRR (Sal Rinauro, Chasyn Rance, Kenny King, and Jason Blade) interrupted with three groupies by their side – one of whom was Canadian wrestler Portia Perez. The YRR called Scotty a washed up has-been, and Scotty shot back calling the YRR the village people. Scotty said that it is better to be a has-been than a never-was and started to take on the YRR by himself! They all went to the ring, where the YRR began to dismantle Scotty until Delirious showed up and cleared the ring! Delirious cut one of his famous promos on the microphone setting up a main event match!
The YRR (Jason Blade & Kenny King w/Portia Perez & ?Mimi? & ?Cat?) vs. The Age of the Fall (Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black w/Mr. Milo Beasley & Rain & Leva): Before the match, the Age of the Fall came out with valet Rain and the wheel-chair bound Mr. Milo Beasley. Tyler Black cut a promo on the YRR, but noticed a fan in the front row trying to get his attention. Black asked her, “what’s up?” The girl was dressed in black and asked if she could join the Age of the Fall. Black said that anybody could join the Age of the Fall, and accepted her into the group. Her name is Leva. Hello, Leva. The YRR of Kenny King & Jason Blade came out with their own legion of skin – Portia Perez and two other pieces of eye candy. Announcer Dave Prazak called Portia by name, and said she was YRR heavy on the Y (WHY?). This tag team match, unlike the previous tag team match, was an excellent pro-wrestling encounter. The YRR girls kept interfering, but eventually Rain and Leva started chasing them around the ring. They all ended up inside the ring where the YRR girls were about to do some damage but Mr. Milo Beasley miraculously jumped out of his wheel-chair and carried Portia Perez backstage! Rain and Leva started spanking Mimi and Cat in the ring as the crowd became unglued from the excitement! The YRR grabbed Rain and Leva by the hair, but they were caught off guard by the Age of the Fall. Chasyn Rance showed up and distracted the referee while Sal Rinauro ambushed Jimmy Jacobs, allowing Kenny King to score and retain their FIP Tag Team titles!!!! That finish was so beautifully written.
Roderick Strong vs. Austin Aries vs. Jerry Lynn: 30+ year ring veteran Jerry Lynn made his debut in Full Impact Pro, challenging for the FIP World title in this three-way encounter. Roderick Strong proved to be a smart champion, by bailing out of the ring and allowing Lynn and Aries fight it out. That didn’t last long, as Strong quickly jumped back in the ring for an attempted sneak attack but ended up getting double-teamed by the two challengers. After a few minutes of playing games with each other, Jerry Lynn pinned Austin Aries following a Cradle Pile-driver! It was a great effort by Jerry Lynn, who proved that he deserves a spot on the FIP roster, but Roderick Strong was just too much for him on this night. It took a Gibson-driver to put Lynn away for good, and allowed Strong to leave Crystal River with his FIP championship. Strong took the mic and praised himself, bragging about beating Erick Stevens, Austin Aries, and Jerry Lynn. Stevens hit the ring and chased Strong backstage. Stevens stayed in the ring and cut a promo about how he has pinned Strong twice and didn’t have to use a chair or a belt. Stevens challenged Strong to a Dog Collar match on July 19th right there in Crystal River! Stevens promised to leave Strong in a pool of his own blood!
Scotty Too Hotty & Delirious vs. The YRR (Sal Rinauro & Chasyn Rance w/Portia Perez & ?Mimi? & ?Cat?): I wasn’t sure if Scotty Too Hotty could remember how to wrestle, after being stuck in the Sports Entertainment industry for so long. He didn’t do too badly, but used a lot of that southern wrestling stalling tactics – which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Of course the YRR groupies played a major part in the match, constantly interfering on behalf of the YRR. Scotty went for the W.O.R.M. a couple times early, but could not connect. But later he had his opportunity and did a very elaborate version of the W.O.R.M. on Sal Rinauro and actually scored the pinfall with the move! Scotty grabbed the microphone and said the party was just getting started. Scotty called for Delirious to do the W.O.R.M. on Rinauro, who was still laid out in the ring. Scotty brought his cute little daughter in the ring. Scotty said her name was Taylor… I guess he named her after his previous wrestling name (Scott Taylor). Taylor did the W.O.R.M. in the ring and looked like she had a lot of practice, but didn’t get to drop the bomb on Rinauro. Delirious followed with the messiest W.O.R.M. ever wormed and dropped the bomb on Rinauro to send the fans home happy!
If you would like to purchase this or any other Full Impact Pro DVD, please check out www.ROHwrestling.com – and also be sure to show your support by checking out www.fullimpactpro.com/ – Thank you!