Greetings, IP Universe. After witnessing some truly horrible televised professional wrestling on Tuesday and Thursday, let’s see if the blue crew can finish the week off on an up note.
1. Excellent promo by Hardy to kick things off. As a longtime disciple of Michael Hayes, Matthew obviously took to heart Hayes’ creed of “The heel has to believe he’s right.”
2. Let’s look at the promo–the gist was that Matt has always been a clean living, responsible guy who has had to basically baby sit and hold the hand of his free spirited, loose cannon kid brother. The fact that Jeff, despite being a flake, was more popular and more successful than Matt just burned at him till he snapped and said “Screw it!”. The best angles are the one’s where there’s merit to both sides of the story. This has the chance to be this generations’ Bret vs Owen if they don’t do anything stupid.
3. Short but decent match with Truth vs THE Brian Kendrick. Mr. Killings looks like he may be participant in Money in the Bank come Mania time if he stays as over as he is.
4. Good match with MVP vs. Chavo. A face turn is what MVP needed to refreshen himself, and now it looks like he’ll be gunning for Shelton and the U.S. Title.
5. Nice to see Umaga back, as the big fella got to win a nice squash as a welcome back present. Looks like they’re gonna re-establish his “monster cred” a bit before he mixes up with the big dogs, which is fine.
6. Perfectly acceptable wrestling from Taker and Mizzark. You know it won’t be a 5 star classic, but a workman like power match is good enough.
7. Edge is the master of the “I told you so” promo. And what’s with the 5 second pose? It’s like he’s dropping some kind of hint or something. (Hint dropping reeks of awesomeness.)
8. Show got a semi-squash over Festus to qualify for the Chamber. Don’t be surprised if the Biscuit and Gravy boys get shipped back to Florida soon, as methinks their ship has sailed.
9. HHH held the main event together with chewing gum and duct tape to get something passable out of it. And passable it was. Not great by any means, but not as bad as it could have been.
10. All in all, a solid efficient show. It accomplished numerous things, such as setting up the Chamber match, kicking off the battle of the Hardyz, and MVP and Umaga getting new leases on life.
See ya in 7.