Pulse Wrestling’s EXCLUSIVE Real-Time Coverage for TNA Against All Odds
Written by Paul Marshall
We open up footage with three out of the four World Title combatants showing up at Universal Studios. Sting shows up moments later by himself and we go to the splash screen!
Fireworks explode across the arena as we are LIVE from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida! The X-Division Championship will be contested RIGHT NOW!
Match 1: Eric Young v. Alex Shelley
X-Division Championship Match
The bell sounds and EY is over Shelley. EY trips Shelley up and he drops the dist. Up on top, he drops the knee and he is in control. Shelley goes out the ring and hits the barricade, which brings up the referee count. Shelley takes his time and he gets back inside. EY and Shelley trade going in and out of the ring. EY slingshots himself out of the ring and lands a plancha. He gets on the apron and Shelley SWEEPS THE LEG! They battle on the apron, but Shelley shoves Young into the ring post. KNEE STRIKE OFF THE APRON AND EY GOES TO THE BARRICADE! EY recovers quick and he goes on top, but lands arm first on the barricade! Shelley talks smack and he scores a kick to the chest. Back inside the ring, he toys around with EY. EY gets posted and Shelley takes him pillar to post. DROPKICK near the groin area sends EY down. Surfboard is applied, but he has to let go quick enough. TO the ropes, EY gets kneed in the gut, then kicked upside the head. He steps on the hand and he brings EY back up. Corn to corner and EY rolls through. EY gets a clothesline, but EY gets hung out to dry…KNEE DROP TO EY AT THE ROPES! EY Goes for the DVD on the apron, but Shelley cold cocks him. Catapult attempt, but EY gets out of it. EY runs the apron and Shelley sends him up and over on the outside! Back in the ring, Shelley rams EY in the corner. Shelley charges at EY, taking him down in the corner. First pin in the match and EY kicks out at two.
Shelley assumes control and he clubs the back. Read naked choke is applied with a torque on the back. EY battles out of it and he kicks Shelley. FLAP JACK BY EY AND THE CROWD IS GETTING WILD! Slugfest in the ring and Shelley runs into a forearm. Atomic Drop connects and discus clothesline sends Shelley down for two. EY and Shelley are at the ropes and TOP ROPE JAWBREAKER BY SHELLEY CONNECTS! EY blocks a clothesline and nails the enzugiri. DVD attempt, but Shelley rolls through. EY can’t get the DVD to go tonight. Springboard leg drop connects and that only gets TWO! EY goes up top…MOONSAULT MISSES! Shelley gets a cover, but that gets two. Corkscrew neckbreaker connects by Shelley, but YOUNG KICKS OUT! Shelley waits for EY..SLICDED BREAD IS COUNTERED! EY gets Shelley up and over, but Shelley gets EY planted on the mat for TWO! They go on the top rope. The bulldog is countered, but Shelley gets the bulldog anyway. Frog Splash connects, but ERIC WILL NOT DIE! Back to the top rope and Shelley gets caught in the DVD attempt. Eric slides through and Shelley hits head first in a semi-sick bump! The ref checks on Shelley and that is what Shelley needed to roll EY up for the win!
Winner: Alex Shelley
Grade: B+
We go to JB, who has Kurt Angle. Angle is flanked by MEM security and JB asks what is going on with the two arriving separately. We’re on an audio delay as Angle’s lips is moving at a different rate than the voiceover. Angle will push Sting and regardless on who wins, the MEM will be closer than ever.
We get a video for Steiner v. Williams.
Match 2: Scott Steiner v. Petey Williams
The bell sounds and they circle the ring. They lock up and Steiner swats Williams away. Another lock up and Steiner backs Williams in the corner. Knifeedge chops connects and Steiner hits a high armdrag. They lock up a third time and gets bodyslammed for his trouble. Steiner wrings the arm of Williams, but Williams takes Steiner down to a knee. Steinte swats him away, but Williams hits a low dropkick. Williams goes up and hits a missile dropkick for one. Steiner rolls out out of the ring an takes a powder. Dropkick to the face sends Steiner to the barricade. Jawbreaker and spin kick connects. Steiner is humbled! Up top, Steiner catches Williams and hits a top rope Belly to Belly! Steiner chops away and sends Williams to the ropes. Clothesline connects and Steiner does his elbow drop, pin, pushup combo. Corner to corner, Williams goes on top again and a tornado DDT gets countered to a faceplant for two, Belly to Belly connects and this match has gone from bad to worse. Steiner hangs Williams up on the top rope and he HITS A TOP ROPE DDT! Two count, but Steiner does not want to end it. The fans are crapping on this match. Chops to Williams in the corner and I’m getting bored. Petey gets the boots up on a Steiner charge and we’re having technical difficulties.
We’re back with Steiner having Williams on top. Williams fights it off and he lands a crossbody. Forearm does nothing for Steiner. More Technical difficulties after a tornado DDT by Williams. 30 seconds later, Petey connects with a kick to the head. Williams drops Steiner’s head to his knees! Steiner moves out of the way and Williams plays possum with the corner shot. Steiner Recliner is countered with a pin attempt, but that gets two. Steiner gets sent out of the ring and Williams hits a plancha…STEINER POWERBOMBS HIM TO THE CANVAS! Williams’ arm hits the apron sickly. Steiner Recliner is locked on, but Williams gets the ropes! Steiner waits for Williams and he picks him up and HITS THE STEINER SCREWDRIVER! What a sick piledriver…and that gets the win!
Winner: Scott Steiner
Grade: C-
Steiner mouths the fans for cheering him. He isn’t finished as he sets Williams up on top. Frankensteiner connects! The Recliner is locked on, but SAMOA JOE’S MUSIC PLAYS! Joe shows on the tron and says that Steiner will be the first he introduce to his nation of violence.
Mike Tenay & Don West runs down the rest of the card.
JB is with Foley and Sting! Foley is the special commentator for tonight’s match. Foley does not want to hand the title to Angle, but Sting interrupts. He shakes Sting’s hand. They share some respect. JB brings up Angle and Sting does not expect any less from Angle. Sting says that the Mafia will survive tonight.
Brutus Magnus makes his way to the ring for his open challenge. He talks crap about how he is the modern day gladiator. He wants his opponent to come out…NOW!
Match 3: Brutus Magnus v. Chris Sabin
Sabin circles the ring and they lock up. Magnus swats him away a couple times. We get a test of strength and an USA chant. Sabin tricks him and he flips over a bit before Magnus gets tired and slams him down. Chop by Sabin to Magnus, but the shoulderblock is not effective. Another try has the same effect. Kick to the gut…GOOZLE! Press slam attempt does not go through. Kicks to the knees…Magnus sends Sabin to the ropes, Cross Body attempt is blocked and he gets dropped to the turnbuckle. Knee drop gets not even a one count. Magnus chokes away and gets a shot to the side of the head. Magnus steps on the throat as the referee checks on Sabin. Stalling vertical suplex connects and Magnus continues on the attack. Scoop slam connects and he drops the elbow on Sabin. Snapmare and a chinlock is applied. Sabin tries to get out, but he lands on Magnus’ shoulder. Clothesline does not work. Springboard clothesline connects for TWO!
He tries to pick Magnus up to no avail. Rollup doesn’t connect…Magnus rolls through with a powerbomb for TOO! PLANCHA BY SABIN SENDS MAGNUS DOWN ON THE OUTSIDE! Sabin goes up top and Magnus has the referee distracted. Sabin gets crotched and the Tormentum connects! That is over.
Winner: Brutus Magnus
Grade: C+
We go to Lauren with Team 3-D. Sting and Angle forgot about them tonight. When the question is popped about which member of 3-D would win, Devon gives Ray goosebumps. They are 21 time tag team champions and tonight begins a new quest for 3-D. Who can get it done on their own. Dudley Blood is thicker than water. They are going to talk to Sting.
Video for Awesome Kong v. ODB is shown.
Match 4: ODB v. Awesome Kong
TNA Knockouts Championship
Kong comes out with the Kongtourage, despite Cornette’s ruling on iMPACT! Cornette comes out and he stops the match from beginning. He lays down the law and tells them to leave or they can stay and ODB can win the title that way. He gives them 10 seconds to make the decision. THE MUSIC CONTINUES TO PLAY AS WE GO THROUGH THIS. Kong turns Cornette around and she chokes him. ODB takes it to Kong on the outside! Kong shoves ODB away and gets back inside. She tries to pick Kong up to no avail. ODB hits a faceplant for a two count! ODB gets on the attack, going to the top rope. She jumps into a clothesline by Kong. Kong pulls the hair and we go corner to corner…ODB GETS SQUASHED! ODB chants now and ODB gets clubbed in the back. Kong locks on a bearhug, but ODB beats away. She gets shoved to the corner and Kong goes back to the bearhug. She gets out of it! She tries again to pick Kong up, but she falls on ODB for two! Kong goes to the second rope and she hits a splash on the canvas! ODB gets back up and she punches away. She can’t take Kong down, so seh beats Kong against the corner turnbuckles. BODYSLAM BY ODB CONNECTS! She gets the cover…for TWO! Kong hits the Implant Buster and that is done.
Winner: Awesome Kong
Grade: C
Team 3-D finds Sting. Ray talks to Sting about scenarios. Ray knows how Sting truly feels and he looked at Sting’s eyes for a second. Because Sting did not get involved, Ray can speak to him calmly. He wants Sting to do the right thing. The Main Event Mafia stands for EGO…and Sting stands for RESPECT. They are going to go after him as hard as they can. If the old Sting shows up tonight, 3-D will have his back. Lauren says that Angle wants to say something to Sting.
Video for Sewell v. Booker T is shown.
Match 5: Shane Sewell v. Booker T
TNA Legends Championship
Booker is seconded by Sharmell, so that may play a factor to the finish tonight. Yes, I’m calling it. I do have a question, why do we need three minutes of entrance music playing? Are we trying to stretch the show? The bell rings and the fans in Orlando are complete retards for chanting Booker T. Booker warms up and he wants a handshake. They jockey for position, but Sewell flinches. Finally, we get a lock up and Sewell is the aggressor. We get a clean break and we circle the ring again. Booker works the arm, but Sewell turns it around. Booker finds the ropes.. Booker gets Sewell to the corner and he doesn’t break clean. He chops away as my attention is dwindling. Knee to the chest sends Sewell down. Booker kicks away and he chokes Sewell at the ropes. High kick to the face sends Sewell down and Booker mounts him and beats the hell out of him. End it already, Booker. Sewell gets set up for the Bookend and this has to be done. Cover, but that gets TWO! Sewell charges up an Booker can’t stop it. Sewell hits the haymakers and ten corner punches. Sewell slams Booker down on the canvas and the SHIRT COMES OFF! Bulldog connects and Sewell gets tripped up by Sharmell. Axe kick connects and that’s done. Called it.
Winner: Booker T
Grade: D-
Booker says he’s not scared of a referee. He gets to Sewell’s face…and OUT COMES AJ STYLES! Booker takes it to Styles, but Styles fights back. ENZUGIRI CONNTCTS AND BOOKER GETS BEAT DOWN. AJ sends Booker over the ropes! AJ grabs the mic and he has something to say. He poses with the Legend’s title and he talks about how he grew up. He wants to be a legend and that a legend is someone people spend their money on. It is time for AJ to step up to be a legend.
Lauren is with Matt Morgan and she wants to talk Abyss out of the match. He tells Lauren off and he talks about his surgery last week. He warns Lauren that if she gets close to the ring, he’ll lay her out too.
Abyss/Morgan video plays.
Match 6: Abyss v. Matt Morgan
The bell sounds and they collide in the center. Morgan goozles, but Abyss does so too. Morgan beats the holy hell out of Abyss and posts him in the corner. Abyss turns the table on Morgan and Abyss chases Rudy Charles out of the ring. Morgan misses the boot, but his nuts hits the rope hard. Abyss brings out the kendo stick and Charles tries to stop it and is successful. Morgan comes off the ropes and Abyss sends him out of the ring. The fight spills to the outside and Morgan hits a haymaker. They go to the crowd and Charles tries to get it back to the ring to no avail. Morgan headbutts Abyss out of the wall. Morgan sends Abyss to the wall and chokes him. They go up the stairs and Morgan stretches Abyss over the handrail. We go to the upper deck! Morgan gets sent face first against the steel fence and Abyss beats the hell out of him. Morgan gets away from Abyss. Big boot connects and we’re back near the wall. Abyss reverses a whip and Morgan hits the barricade back first! Abyss sends Morgan to the ring post and we finally get back in the ring. Abyss goes and picks up some weapons. The ring is littered with weapons. Charles gets rid of the chair…CARBON FOOTPRINT CONNECTS! They clean the ring up and Morgan hits Abyss with the elbows. Side Russian leg sweep connects and only gets a one count.
Morgan has Abyss in the ropes and he hits a running knee attack. Abyss’ head is on the bottom rope and Morgan hits a leg drop, snapping Abyss’ head off the ropes. Cross body connects and that gets two! Morgan hits a textbook dropkick and Abyss won’t go down. Morgan connects with shots in the corner, but Abyss turns it around. Morgan gets sent to the corner and he hops it. Morgan goes off the ropes, but Abyss looks for the chokeslam. Both men hit the clothesline and are down. Abyss gets up and they brawl in the center. Clothesline connects and Morgan is reeling. Splash connects and Abyss hits a side slam for two. He grabs the bag and he gets clotheslined to the canvas. The bag gets opened and the tacks are down on the canvas. Abyss squashes Charles and Morgan uses the chair on Abyss! He covers…ABYSS KICKS OUT! Morgan has the chair again and Abyss hits a chokeslam for TWO! He sets the chair on Morgan…splash…ON THE CHAIR TO THE NUTS! Morgan goes for a chokeslam on the chair…BUT ABYSS STILL KICKS OUT! Abyss has the chair..>OH MY GOD! Morgan pulles Charles to the chair and he’s knocked the F*CK OUT! BLACK HOLE SLAM CONNECTS! Slick Johnson comes in and Morgan kicks out. Morgan gets the low blow. He runs the ropes and Abyss hits another Black Hole Slam for the win!
Winner: Abyss
Grade:Â B
Abyss brings the tacks back in and he gets Morgan up. He rips the shirt off. Black Hole Slam attempt, but Morgan leaves the ring.
JB is in the MEM locker room and Booker is PISSED OFF! Sting comes in and he and Angle has a heart to heart. He hopes that Sting ignores them. He drops the S-bombs and he reassures Sting that they are a family and they care about each other. They shake and hug so it seems Sting and Angle are on the same page tonight. Sting leaves and Angle wants Kevin to keep an eye on him.
Beer Money/Lethal Consequences video plays.
Match 7: Lethal Consequences v. Beer Money
World Tag Team Championships
The bell sounds and it will be Lethal and Roode starting off. They lock up and break it up. They jockey for position and Roode shoulderblocks Lethal. Roode runs right into a reverse elbow. Storm calls a time out, HAHA! More stalling until Roode gets Lethal in the corner. Lethal fires back and he hits a back drop! Storm comes in and he gets backdropped as well. In comes Creed and STEREO DROPKICKS! The faces remain in the ring and they mock Beer Money. Roode gets back in and tags in Storm. They circle the ring and they lock up. Storm gets the early offense, but Creed comes back with a hip toss. Powerslam connects and Creed gets a hurrancurana on Storm. Elbow drop to the back and Roode comes in. Drop toe hold on Roode and Storm meets Roode’s balls. Storm’s balls meets Roode’s head and we get the 69 position! HAHA! Roode gets a drink of beer and Storm shoves Roode…BEER SPIT to Storm’s face. The challengers get the upper hand and Lethal gets a one count. Roode tags Storm, unknown to Lethal, so he rolls Roode up anyway. Snapmare by Storm and Roode takes it to Lethal on the outside.
Tag to Roode and Lethal is in trouble. Powerslam by Roode and they drop the elbows for a Roode two count. Tag back to Storm and the champions have cut the ring in half. Powerbomb/Neckbreaker combo connects and Creed breaks it up. Roode gets in behind the referee’s back and he allows the tag. Tag back to Storm and Lethal is reeling. Chinlock is applied, but Lethal gets out of it. Lethal runs right into the knee and Roode gets in on a tag. Creed gets the ref distracted as Roode keeps it to Lethal. Lethal tries to fight back and he gets sent out on the apron. Lethal gets stuck on the ropes and DOUBLE SUPERPLEX BY BEER MONEY! Roode tags in Storm and they continue the punshmnent. Lethal gets sent to the ropes…KICK TO STORM! Lethal collides with Roode, who collides with Storm. Lethal rolls through and HOT TAG TO CREED! Creed cleans house and he hits a double clothesline! Creed goes up top and he hits a cross body for TWO! Roode breaks the pin. Lethal takes care of Roode as Creed goes up top. Jacqueline distracts Creed and Storm sends Creed off the top and onto the barricade, injured arm first. Roode targets the arm inside the ring. Tag to Storm and he goes off the top for a two count. One arm DDT on the injured arm! Creed gets mobbed by Roode and Storm, who tags in and out! Roode drops the knee on the arm and Storm comes back in. Lethal gets in and the referee is diestracted. Tag to Storm and and he gets a double underhook slam for a two count!
Tag to Roode and they continue the beatdown. Lethal takes care of Beer Money and sends Creed to his corner. Tag to Lethal and he takes it to Beer Money for TWO! Storm drops the elbow on Roode and Lethal takes care of him. He goes to the top and knocks Roode off. Elbow drop connects for a two. Creed takes care of Storm and Lethal has Roode. Back drop on Jacqueline and LETHAL COMBINATION CONNECTS! Lethal gets a close two count. Double flapjack on Roode and Lethal gets two. Storm gets a chain from Jacqueline. Lethal gets Roode in the corner, CHAIN SHOT FROM STORM! That gets the pin.
Winners: Beer Money
Grade: A-
Video highlighting the war between the Frontline and the MEM is shown.
Mick Foley joins commentary and JB is in the ring for the super special ring announcing.
Angle leaves the locker room and we get a few videos hyping the main event.
Match 8: Sting v. Kurt Angle v. Brother Ray v. Brother Devon
Four Way Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship; One Fall to a Finish
All four men are in the ring at the same time, so bear with me with the action for this match. They make no move to begin the bout. More stalling, but 3-D take it to the MEM. Ray sends Sting out if the ring. Devon gets a shoulderblock on Angle. Angle sends Devon to the ropes and Devon hits a Thez Press. 3-D take it to Angle and Devon gets two on Angle. Double clothesline on Sting for two and the brothers stare down. Angle shoves Ray to Devon and the MEM controls the match. 3-D does a little do-se-do and take out the MEM. They are alone in the ring again and Rey falls on the mat to give Devon a two count! Angle gets 3-D on the canvas and Sting is in. 3-D takes it to Sting and 3-D os alone again. They lock up and they trade waist locks. Now they brawl in the ring! Ray comes back and they both get a shoulder block for no movement. Both brothers scoop slam each other! Both Dudleys go for the clothesline and they get back up. The MEM comes back in and they take it to 3-D. Devon gets sent to the steel steps and Ray gets sent to the barricade.
Devon turns it around and he drills Angle on the barricade. Ray comes back and he drops an elbow on the top of Sting;s head. Sting and Ray go to the table and Ray gets dropped on the table. Sting sends Ray over the barricade and onto a lucky fans’ lap. Devon slams Angle against the table and chokes him with a cable. Ray tries to hit Sting with a chair, but hits the fan instead. Back in the ring, Sting goes for the Scorpion and Angle has the Anklelock! Booker pushes Angle into Sting and they exchange words. Angle gets shoved against Sting and ANGLE IS BUSTED OPEN AROUND THE EYE! Ray has Sting in the Figure Four and Devon has the Boston Crab on Angle. Angle tries to pin Sting for two. Angle is bleeding a bucket. Angle gets out of the move and he pins Sting for two. He breaks the submission and he kicks Ray in the face. Sting and Angle face off in the ring. Angle focuses on the leg and he sweeps it! Angle stomps the leg and its noted that the MEM is breaking apart. Sting blocks a kick and he explodes with clotheslines. Stinger’s Splash connects and he goes for the Death Drop…Angle reverses to an Anklelock. 3-D doubleteams Angle and Sting saves Angle…and gets Olympic Slammed for his trouble. Saving Grace connects by Devon and gets two. Ray hits Devon with the Rock Bottom for TWO! Sting gets a two count on Ray. Angle dispatches Sting and he goes after Devon. Ray gets Angle up…DUDLEYVILLE DEVICE CONNECTS! Sting connects to break the count. 3-D attempt, but Sting hits a side slam on Ray for TWO! Sting misses a Stinger Splash and he gets scoop slammed. Devon goes up top…Angle quickly comes in and hits a top rope German! Sting hits the Scorpion Death Drop on Ray and gets the pinfall!
Winner: Sting
Grade: B-
Angle seems slightly pissed off at Sting leaving with the title. Foley hands the title to Sting and shakes his hand.
The Against All Odds Report Card
Sting d. Kurt Angle, Brother Ray, & Brother Devon: B-
Beer Money d. Lethal Consequences: A-
Abyss d. Matt Morgan: B
Booker T d. Shane Sewell: D-
Awesome Kong d. ODB: C
Brutus Magnus d. Chris Sabin: C+
Scott Steiner d. Petey Williams: C-
Alex Shelley d. Eric Young: B+
The Final Grade for TNA Against All Odds 2009: C+/B-
The Inside Pulse
Tonight’s show started off good, then it stayed in neutral until the Legends Title match, which absolutely tanked. I gave that match a benefit of the doubt with a D-, but it didn’t meet my expectations as I hoped Booker would carry Sewell…instead, it looked as if he didn’t give a damn. After that, we rebounded with an awesome grudge match, tag title match, and a very decent world title match. The main event did okay considering who was involved and Team 3-D brought their game tonight. I’m leaning on a mild recommendation to check the show out, just ignore the Sewell/Booker nightmare and you’ll be fine. Thanks for joining me tonight and I’ll be back next week when Pulse Wrestling goes back into Pay-Per-View mode! Have a good night!