Welcome to the EC-Dub!
We open with a recap of last week’s episode where Christian shocked us all and immediately positioned himself as a major player on ECW. We watch Christian’s victory with the help of Finlay and Hornswoggle (God forbid I spell his name wrong and face the wrath of the posters.)
Todd Grisham and Matt Striker are your hosts. Grisham officially states that Christian is the #1 contender for the ECW championship.
The Boogeyman’s music hits, and here he comes. Paul Burchill arrives soon after with his sister.
Boogeyman vs. Paul Burchill (with Katie Lea)
Apparently Burchill got himself in this match by throwing a Christian Bale like tantrum at a WWE taping. Boogeyman gets distracted by the Scarlet Witch Katie Lea and Burchill takes control. Blows in the corner, and the big knees. Boogeyman starts fighting back. Boogeyman ducks a clothesline and gives one of his own. Burchill to the corner and Boogeyman hits the clubbing Stinger Splash. Scoop slam by Boogeyman. He looks to his worms and gets rolled up. 1,2,3! Big win for Paul Burchill. He escapes the ring only to leave his sister behind. She maneuvers herself away and escapes a worming.
Winner: Paul Burchill. Very quick match, but hopefully the beginning of a bigger feud with more entertaining matches.
We take a look at Swagger’s victory at No Way Out and Hornswoggle’s part in it. Could be a heel turn for Finlay.
Next week on ECW… “The All-American American†Jack Swagger vs. Christian for the STRAP!!
We’re back and John Morrison’s music hits. He slo-mo enters with the Miz. They pose for the crowd and we get Tommy Dreamer walking the aisle.
Tommy Dreamer vs. John Morrison (w/ the Miz)
They lock up and Dreamer goes off the ropes for a shoulder block. They chain wrestle and Dreamer ends up with an armlock then a Russian leg sweep. He clotheslines Morrison to the outside. He gets on the apron but is distracted by the Miz. Morrison takes advantage and arm tosses Dreamer to the floor. Dreamer landed badly.  Dreamer back in and gets covered for 2. Morrison with blows to the head. He gets Dreamer in a modified Cobra Clutch on the mat. Dreamer with some body shots and then reverses a suplex attempt. Miz distracts again and gets THROWN OUT! Neckbreaker by Dreamer. Back body drop followed by a bulldog off the ropes. Goes for a slam but Morrison reverses and springboards off the ropes and misses. Dreamer with a fallaway slam and cover for two with Morrison’s foot on the ropes. Dreamer to the top and gets caught. He throws Morrison off and flies off the top. He gets caught with a boot. Morrison hits the Moonlight Drive, and covers. 1,2,3.
Winner: John Morrison. Good match with a great flow. Almost thought Dreamer could pull one off.
Finlay and Hornswoggle are in the back eating and Christian joins them. Hornswoggle towels Christian. Christian is there to make sure Hornswoggle is not a distraction in their match tonight. Finlay says they will keep their end up, and tells Christian to make sure he holds up his end.
Another Evan Bourne return announcement. Can’t wait for that. Tyson Kidd comes down the ramp with Natayla. Caden Matthews is already in the ring.
Tyson Kidd (w/ Natalya) vs. Caden Matthews
We start up with Kidd getting a quick advantage. Armbar and some kicks. Dropkick to the head. Cover for two. Snap toss and a kick to the back. Cover for two. Kidd gets an elbow running to the corner. Kidd then hits a roundhouse kick. Matthews is draped over the bottom rope and Kidd goes over the top and legdrops him on the apron. Matthews back in and Kidd springboards off the top rope and hits a pretty elbow drop.
Winner: Tyson Kidd. Squash. Have DJ Gabriel and Alicia Fox been pushed off the show to make room for these two?
Another commercial.
Dreamer is backstage. Ricky Ortiz sees him and says Dreamer is the first person to welcome him here and he IS ECW. Ortiz tells him he needs to Rally Up. We then see the next inductees to the WWE Hall of Fame, the Funks! Terry and Dory Funk, Jr. really deserve it.
Looks like we’re about to start the main event as Mark Henry heads to the ring with Tony Atlas. His partner and our champion Jack Swagger soon follows. He parades his belt and manages not to drop it.Â
Commercial break.
We’re back and here comes Captain Charisma… CHRISTIAN! We see some of his peeps in the crowd. Finlay and Hornswoggle soon follow.
Jack Swagger and Mark Henry (w/Tony Atlas) vs. Christian and Finlay (w/ Hornswoggle)
Christian and Henry start out. Christian goes for a lockup but gets tossed. Henry tries for a big slap and Christian unloads. Henry gets mad but Christian unloads some more. He goes off the ropes but gets thrown in the air. Mark Henry with some big shots. Christian kicks out Henry’s leg and gets the tag. They double dropkick him. Henry shoves Finlay to his corner and tags in Swagger. Swagger mat wrestles Finlay to the ground then shoves him off and poses. Finlay gets mad and hits some elbows. He tags Christian in who has control, but Swagger picks him up. Christian reverses into a sunset flip. Two count. He goes to tag in Finlay but Finlay is on the floor talking to his son Hornswoggle. Christian looks upset, but Finlay gets to the apron and gets the tag. We go to..
We’re back and Finlay gets lifted to the opposite corner. After a clean break he gives Henry a shot. Swagger throws him outside and Henry drops him with a clothesline. Swagger to the outside and rolls Finlay back in. Cover for two. Swagger has him and puts him in the corner to tag in Henry who clubs Finlay to the ground. Cover for two. Finlay gets dragged to the ropes and choked. Tag to Swagger. Boot to the midsection and a back suplex. Cover for two. Swagger tries to wear Finlay down. Neckbreaker by Finlay. Swagger counters with a clothesline and tags in Henry. Henry uses the ropes to stand on Finlay. Atlas with a cheap shot from the outside. (Striker didn’t see it). Another tag and Swagger has him in a front face lock. Finlay fights for the corner but Swagger just lifts him back to his own corner. Henry in and scoop slams Finlay. He goes for an elbow and misses! Finlay gets the tag and so does Henry. Christian with a shot on Henry then dodges a shot from Swagger who hits his partner. Christian Steps on Swagger on the ropes. Christian goes for the ropes but takes time to belt Henry. Atlas then stops Christian and Swagger meets him on the top rope. Christian fights him off and then hits the flying headbutt! Henry breaks up the count and goes for the World’s Strongest Slam on Christian but Hornswoggle bites his ankles. Finlay in and hits Henry with the shillelagh behind the ref’s back. Meanwhile, Swagger gets Christian up for the gutwrench powerbomb but Christian rolls through and his the UNPRETTIER!! 1,2,3!!
Winners: Christian and Finlay
Great match to close out the show.
See you next week for the championship match between the “All-American American†Jack Swagger and “Captain Charisma†Christian. I can’t wait!