10 Thoughts on TNA iMPACT! – 2.26.09

Reviews, Shows, TV Shows

  1. Don West is wearing the shirt and tie combo that makes him look like a football.  Apparently last week TNA did a record rating for the Sting versus Angle match, and they open the show by bragging about it.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.  I didn’t care for the match myself, but good for them, ya know?
  2. Madison Rayne has turned heel already?  That’s too bad the Knockout Division is running thin on babyfaces.
  3. What they’ve done with Samoa Joe is just about the lamest stuff they could possibly do with him.
  4. Does Foley have any new stories to tell that he hasn’t covered in his THREE autobiographies?  This is an especially pointless segment this week.
  5. I hate how TNA uses 15 minute segments to set up another 15 minute segment for later in the show.
  6. Don West turning heel is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in the history of TNA.  That guy gets a lot of crap but I don’t think he’s as bad as most people do.
  7. Rhaka Khan shouldn’t be allowed near a microphone, ever.  She apparently shouldn’t be allowed in a ring ever either.
  8. I’d really like to know who’s competing in the Ultimate X match on the pay-per-view.  I think they only have two more weeks of TV to build it.
  9. The four-way ladder match is an interesting spin off of the Motor City Machineguns versus Lethal Consequences feud.  I like it, but a regular four-way match without the ladder would be better suited for TV.
  10. I can’t believe Foley’s wife lets him leave the house like that.  How on Earth did Angle not see Sting running down the ramp?