The Hills – Episode 5-4 Review

Lauren and Audrina go out to a bar and talk about boys. Interesting that Audrina says she’s content with being single for now…yeah OK. We all know what’s coming…

Stephanie gets yelled at by Kelly and Lauren looks terrified. Meanwhile, Spencer (like a creep) shows up at Heidi’s job, you know the one that she lost. He tells her he isn’t into Stacey because she isn’t a blond. Wow, that’s the only reason? Anyway, Heidi demands they go to therapy even know Spencer doesn’t want to go.

The girls go out with Brody and Frankie who talk about their upcoming trip to Hawaii. Conveniently, Justin Bobby shows up. He looks homeless as usual. Brody talks to Audrina and tells her she is beautiful and needs to get over Justin. Brody’s girlfriend doesn’t look happy.

Stephanie shows up at Audrina’s and talk about Justin. Ugh, is she done with this guy yet? They all hit up another club and Audrina tries to say hi to Jayde, Brody’s girlfriend but she doesn’t look the happiest. I love how Brody acts all fake nice to Stephanie. Brody calls Spencer and invites him to Hawaii, but he lies and says he is in Vegas.

Justin, yet again, shows up at the same club. Brody calls him over to talk and tells him that he and Audrina will always be on and off. Justin tries to talk to her, but for once, she actually seems over it. She admits she loves him, but he treats her like crap.

Stephanie is acting really dumb at People’s Revolution. I don’t know if this is a big act or she really is that stupid? Either way, she is making Lauren look really bad. And Stephanie smiles like she doesn’t give a shit.

Heidi and Spencer show up to therapy and he is obviously being fake. They talk to the therapist and the lady tells them that it sounds like they are in high school!  Spencer isn’t taking anything seriously and Heidi is pissed. “If you feel like he is checked out, what are you doing with him?” the lady asks Heidi. Hey, now there is a good question!

Lauren, Lo and Audrina meet for lunch and talk about Brody. Audrina randomly says that she feels an attraction with him. Lauren looks surprised and scared.