Food2 Freebie Friday!


May 1st, Food2 invites you to Food2’s Freebie Friday, where you and your readers can receive fun free gifts and check out new updates from the site.

We can’t reveal every secret but this Friday of swag & doodads *could* involve snappy new, Food2 t-shirts, gift baskets jammed with unbelievably tasty treats (or incredibly gross stuff — depending on where you stand on snack foods in general) and some other free things…

On Friday (5/1), all you need to do is:

1) Give Food2 a shout-out on your own personal blog.


2) Hashtag us on Twitter — like: Drop by #Food2 today ‘cuz they’re giving out free junk and snacks. Plus if you aren’t already following Food2, that would be great as well. You can do that here.


3) Friend us on Facebook here.

It will seriously take 2 seconds and you could be grubbing on that basket for days (or something).

Throughout the day on Friday, we’ll randomly reward some lucky Food2’ers who do one or more of those things with the aforementioned goodies. Just make sure you’re doing it on Friday (5/1) and not some other random day.