1. They did a great job turning Vince McMahon around quickly. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to tease the fans with the thought of giving them another refund, but it was done in a comedic manner. Bringing back the Guest Host gimmick was definitely awesome, and Batista was the perfect “Guest Host” for the first week.
2. Maybe I haven’t been paying much attention, but isn’t this the first time in a long time HHH has had smoke in his entrance?
3. I’m surprised HHH didn’t bury MVP! As a matter of fact, MVP was on the offensive side for about 80% of the match. I don’t mind HHH going over because he made MVP look damn good.
4. Is a bracket for a 4-man tournament necessary?
5. I love the idea of Jericho and Edge sporting the Unified Tag Team Titles. I thought their egos were going to collide during their pre-match promo, but they bounced off each other very well. The match was great, too. Leave it to Jericho to have the Match of the Night every single event he wrestles in.
6. I’m LOVING how The Miz doesn’t look inferior to John Cena. Just like MVP, he got an unexpected amount of offense in against his opponent. I give it another month before The Miz beats Cena in a singles match.
7. OH MY! Maryse just gets hotter and hotter as the weeks go by. If you don’t agree with me when I say she is the HOTTEST girl alive, you are dumb. Simply put.
8. Nice DDT bump Rosa. You suck.
9. Dammit Michael Cole! When she puts her hand in your face, YOU SHUT UP.
10. Bourne/Henry/Swagger all to RAW is awesome. I’m just sad ECW lost their top stars. Look out for Swagger to join Legacy. All of them have lisps. I’m starting to think it’s an inside joke.
Just wanted to say RIP Billy Mays.