Erik Watts Isn’t Impressed By Samoa Joe


Erik Watts has a radio show now. PWI has highlights. Among them are Watts explaining why he doesn’t get Samoa Joe’s push as a Goldberg level monster:

“My point to you is, how many times are we going to do the Goldberg Push on the wrong person? Samoa Joe, I don’t know him. He could be the nicest guy in the world. I might be talking about the toughest guy in the world, you know? I don’t think so. I think it might be Brock Lesnar right now, because he was pretty impressive in his last fight. But my point is that those are things I can’t understand. I watched TNA for a little while and this guy does not have the look to come out and kill people. And why is this guy such a killer and I think, if I’m watching Fit Finlay and I’m watching Samoa Joe, I think Fit Finlay is stiffer than he is.”

Of course, if you’d only seen him in TNA (especially in the last couple of years), it’s probably hard not to have that opinion.

Watts also talked about not caring for Goldberg, Mid-South Wrestling (and all the rare footage at, his time in TNA, and Damien Steele’s death.