Big Brother – Episode 11-19 Review


Paranoia strikes the Big Brother house in the most unlucky times for some, and Jeff and Jordan very nearly dodged a bullet on Thursday night, almost backdooring Russell and keeping both Lydia and Natalie in the game. Thank goodness they didn’t.

Lydia/Natalie/Kevin are obviously backed against the wall, and they needed to try something to keep themselves safe. So what do you do in the BB house when you want to start trouble? Well you make up a lie of course, and it just so happens that their lie was actually the truth! Kevin secretly told Jeff that Russell and Michele made a final two deal and were thinking of evicting Jeff the next week, but what Kevin didn’t know was that it was the truth! Russell was thinking of backdooring Jeff if he won HoH this week, so Jeff/Jordan have a right to be upset. But for now, Russell is a vote for their side and they need to keep themselves safe . Evicting Russell now wouldn’t be bright.

Obviously my favorites are Jeff/Jordan/Michele this season, but I don’t want to focus this blog all around them so I’ll try to cover everyone!

The PoV competition was live, and the two girls nominated badly needed to win it. But of course, neither of them did. I don’t think anyone besides Michele has actually won the veto and saved themselves this year… well no I take that back – Jeff did in week 2. But besides them two, no one has won the veto and saved themselves. So keeping that tradition, of course neither Lydia or Natalie won the PoV. It came down to Michele and Jordan going to a tiebreaker round, with JORDAN winning the competition! Her first competition she won that wasn’t given to her! I give her major props for that one.

So the question is – will Jordan use the PoV and backdoor Russell? That’s what Kevin/Natalie/Lydia were hoping for (gosh I really need to find a name for this alliance) but Jordan stuck with her nominations. In a 3-1 vote, Lydia you are evicted.

I’ve just got to say one thing, I feel so incredibly bad for Jessie. SO bad for him. Not only has he been stuck in the jury house all week after being evicted unexpectedly, but now his only housemate will be creeper, stalker Lydia. While in the house, she WATCHED HIM SLEEP! That’s just flat out creepy. And not only is she a creeper, she’s an angry creeper. Not a good combination for ol’ Jessie. But if they show Lydia’s arrival into the Jury House, that will be quite entertaining.

On to the HoH competition, the houseguests all had to drop cans into a long tube and try to get a certain amount in one hour. If no one got it in one hour, it would be whoever had the most. The competition obviously didn’t make it into the episode, but if what I read on the Internet is correct, JEFF is the next HoH! But who will he target? That’s the big question. He could go after Russell, or be safe and nominate Natalie and Kevin. Ultimately, I don’t see Jeff and Jordan making the final two together because everyone knows they’re a team. But if either of them winds up against Michele or Russell, I think they’ve got it in the bag.

Surprisingly, there wasn’t really a dumb comment of the episode. I know, I’m depressed too. Maybe I just wasn’t listening well enough, who knows!