Gossip Girl – Episode 3-1 Review

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Ok kiddies, we are back! Monday night’s season 3 premiere of Gossip Girl was…OK. It didn’t over-impress me by any means, but at the same time, it still drew me in as it usually tends to do.

Serena is back from Europe and hiding her scandalous ways from Rufus and Dan. According to the British tabloids, she’s been doing some crazy stuff and as a viewer we find out later that it’s to get her estranged father’s attention. Dan eventually finds out from Jenny and Eric and tries to reach out to Serena, but she isn’t having it.

Dan is getting comfortable being the rich kid and I don’t like this Dan. And neither does Vanessa. Instead of taking the Subway to Brooklyn, he’s taking limos and wearing thousand-dollar suits to polo matches in Connecticut. What a sell-out! Bring back dorky mumbling Dan from Brooklyn. He’s more appealing.

Vanessa has been hanging out with Scott who is secretly using her to get closer to Rufus, his biological father. Yes, he’s the child that Rufus and Lily share who allegedly died. While he and Vanessa do begin a romance, it seems like it is all show. In fact, I thought they had chemistry until they kissed and I sort of cringed. I don’t know. I just don’t see these two together. But, I do see this going on all season. I’m thinking they will have Scott get very involved with these characters and save the big reveal until the season finale. That’s what I’d do anyway…

Blair and Chuck. I love you guys. BUT you were absolutely more interesting to watch when you weren’t together and I think we all noticed it. Like almost every other couple on television, we miss the chase! They had some cute moments as they tried to spice up their relationship with games, but ultimately I am torn on these two. I thought I liked Dan and Serena being the “will-they-won’t-they” couple of the series, but Chuck and Blair might need to take this title. I do have faith that these two will remain the “it” couple though. They are the only two worth watching really.

Nate is back to his old ways of hooking up with random girls. Turns out his newest conquest is a girl from a rivaling family. How very Romeo-and-Juliet of them. Nate’s grandfather finds out and is planning on using this new relationship to get back at her family. Ehh…I don’t know how much I care for this whole storyline. We shall see. Nate’s family problems are always looming.

Serena is hooking up with Carter who is the only one who knows she’s looking for her father. She’s putting on a show for the paparazzi in hopes of her father seeing the magazines. She even steals a horse from the polo match like a runaway bride. Rufus uses the emergency cash Lily left them to pay off the photographers. But, Serena is in contact with another photographer making sure the photos reach Europe to ensure her father sees them. I don’t know. I think the whole father story is important, but this desperate cry for attention is making Serena less and less likable as a character. All she does is lie. Grr…

The episode was not bad, but I am more excited for next week. These upper east siders are off to college and we have some returning faces (Michelle Trachtenberg) and some newbies (Hilary Duff). I think once we get out of summer mode, it should be smooth sailing.

See you next Monday!

Sharon Tharp is a freelance writer who has contributed to a variety of publications including Hamptons magazine and the Web sites of both Marie Claire and CosmoGIRL!.