The Office – Episode 6-01 Review

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On tonight’s season six premiere, “Gossip”, Michael searches for office gossip to share while Andy struggles with heterosexuality.

“I hate hate hate being left out. Whether it’s not being picked for a team, or being picked for a team and no one being there. Or finding out the sport doesn’t exist…”

Jim and Pam confirm her pregnancy but have not announced it for the sake of avoiding gossip and judgment at their shotgun-less wedding.

Meanwhile, Michael catches wind of rumors from around the office and inevitably feels excluded from the gossip. When the summer interns tell him they spotted Stanley at a club making out with a woman not his wife, Michael runs with it and tells <i>everyone</i>.

When Jim calls Michael out on his rumor spreading, Michael  decides to try to get the truth directly from Stanley. Surprisingly, Stanley confides in Michael that he is cheating on his absent wife with a woman who was his nurse after his heart attack.

“How do you un-tell something? You can’t. What you can do, is spread false gossip so that people think that everything that’s been said is un-true.”

In an attempt to cover-up Stanley’s real affair, Michael starts several outlandish rumors. This includes Andy being gay, Kelly being anorexic, Angela marrying an 80 year old millionaire, and Pam being pregnant. Andy becomes very insecure about his heterosexuality and expresses his concerns to Jim and Oscar.

At the farewell party for the interns, Andy congratulates Jim on Pam’s pregnancy, while Angela chastises Pam for conceiving a child out of wedlock. This brings the gossip to a head, as the entire office realizes they’ve heard crazy rumors about each of themselves throughout the day. Via a rumor about Kevin being controlled by a smaller person inside of his body, they trace the source of everything to Michael.

Michael tries to escape, but is confronted by the office before he gets on. He admits to fabricating everything, relieving Andy, but Stanley is outraged that Michael actually did tell everyone that he is having an affair. Jim catches this, and when Michael is pressed to admit which rumor was the first and real one, Jim jumps in and announces that he and Pam are actually having a baby.They provide proof to everyone with an ultrasound image.

Michael is disappointed that Jim and Pam did not tell him about the pregnancy first. He gets a call from Stanley’s wife which is abruptly disconnected by Jim, but it turns out that she was already fully aware of the affair. The episode ends with Stanley smashing in the windows of Michael’s Sebring with a crowbar.