10 Thoughts on TNA iMPACT! – 09.24.09

Reviews, Shows, TV Shows

10. The crowd celebrating with AJ Styles after No Surrender was a seriously awesome moment. I think I could see the footage a million times and it’d make me smile every single time.

9. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. The MEM storyline is dead. I like the attempts to revive it by having Kurt Angle turn on Eric Young to set up some tension. But it sort of feels a bit like its too little, too late. (but, I welcome TNA to make me eat my words and pull off a great feud between MEM and World Elite).

8. I understand the whole tough guy thing that Booker T is doing. But when he speaks, its near impossible to understand him, and its really annoying.

7. When Suicide would come out of all sorts of places as an entrance, that was exciting. This whole appearing on / around the entrance ramp thing that seems to be going on now, its getting boring.

6. Musical instruments within a street fight match. Love it.

5. Thank you Sting. Everything that is being done at the moment to put AJ Styles over is great. The fact that the two of them are showing respect to each other at this stage is really nice to see. Its not something we see all the time in wrestling. And it is leading up to what should be an amazing match at Bound for Glory.

4. I hate how scattered the Knockouts tag team match seemed. There were actual teams “created” for the tournament, and somehow after No Surrender two knockouts who weren’t even a team together initially are suddenly a team and suddenly challenging for the belts? I love that they’re being inventive in having made these titles, but now they need to work on an actual storyline between some actual teams.

3. How on earth is it logical for BOTH Foley and JB to have “forgotten” that there were surveillance cameras in that room?

2. What was with the Bobby Lashley / Jethro Holiday match? It was basically a squash match, and seriously, Lashley is a strong enough wrestler / character to not need squash matches to get over with the fans.

1. So, was the amount of blood that appeared in this weeks iMPACT meant to make people start to think about how potentially terrible the WWE PPV “Hell in a Cell” is going to be without any blood? Because the blood seemed excessive. I mean, blood is okay, and I know it has its place in wrestling. But to have two separate segments where people have blood literally spurting and pouring out of their heads, it just felt like too much.