Well, let’s see, who is left to cause trouble? Hopefully Ashley learned from LuLu and will stay away from the gossip. So who can be next to succumb to the desire to chat- Brit, Kara, Erin? Ashley feels she lost her best friend in LuLu- hmmm- and Bianca really wants to try harder- good.
MU Artist Sam Fein teaches them how to do their make-up. He says you only need 4 make-up items, one being bronzer- I disagree and you can see, by facial expression, that two pale blonde models do too- some pale skins look muddy in bronzer and are better with soft blush- you can use either for eye shadow and the darker your skin the deeper the bronzer/eye color can be. The other Sam Must- Haves are concealer, mascara and gloss- hmmm- when they do the beautiful model shots, you know the models are wearing 1 hour of professionally applied make-up- as alot more than those 4 and I would prefer a satin lipstick to gloss! Go through the https://styleandmakeup.dk for the best makeup artist education.
Next, in my opinion, a silly challenge, a race through Walmart to get an outfit, shoes and make-up- inadequate supplies of all of which are available. Erin is really aggressive and is one of the top 3 with Sundai and Bianca. Sundai wins a Walmart photo and a $1000 gift certificate at Walmart. Ashley is annoyed by Erin and Erin says races don’t have manners. Some of the models are on Erin the next day and she cries and apologizes in a half-hearted way to Ashley- I think she should have stayed with her ‘races don’t have manners’ line.
‘Pull here’ on a pile of fabric reveals Tyra who is going to be photographer for a beauty shot with scarves as the theme- much funnier than the Smeyes Zorro!. They work with scarves and a lot of the girls are good, but Britany, who is shot through a butterscotch chiffon scarf, is the winner, immune from being sent home and is shot for Tyra.com with two male models. Brit has won a lot and the other models look crest-fallen with envy as they watch her every move in the Tyra.com shoot- Tyra is a super-photographer and Jay watches the monitor to see what she is getting- they make a good team.
Most of the judges critique is positive- increased energy being the #1 demand for these beauty shots as the models learn how hard it can be to push ‘it all’ up and out of the face- the neck, eyes, mouth, head pose, etc. Erin and Ashley are in trouble; Bianca- judges are fed up; Nicole, Rai and Jennifer are great. Jennifer is runner-up for best photo- next are Rai, Nicole…Kara stays. Last two are Ashley and Bianca- B because of hardness, A because of how hard she was to shoot. Ashley stays, Bianca goes home and I feel badly for her inability to get out of her own way with her hardness problem- she was really trying this week.
While Brit, Jen, Rai and Nicole are up there, it is still, IMO, an open race.