The Miami Herald’s Jim Varsallone has an interview with Velvet Sky. After talking about her early days in the business and the Knockouts Division’s evolution, she spoke briefly about Angelina Love’s departure from the company (she’s still in contact with Love and says she’s doing fine, by the way):
“It came out of the blue,” Sky said. “We did three TV tapings. She was supposed to go to [TNA’s] Germany tour. The travel was booked, and the pay-per-view match was booked. It was supposed to be her and I against Sarita and Taylor Wilde.
“A week and a half after we finished the TV tapings is when I got the phone call, saying this is what happened. `Oh my God.’ TNA reassured me that Madison and I were going to keep the group going. They weren’t going to let the group die. They said we all worked so hard, and we were so good in that group. So we were excited about that.
She talked about her, Love’s, and TNA’s resolve to keep the Beautiful People gimmick going with Madison Rayne as her partner and continue what they’d built with it. She also steals from Matt Morgan’s lexicon:
“They [Taylor Wilde and Sarita] can do all the flippity do-das
It’s a pretty lengthy (four page) interview, covering her career and her TNA history (including the genesis of her ring name), so for all you ever wanted to know about Ms. Sky but were afraid to ask, look no further.