The Miami Herald’s Scott Fishman has an interview with new TNA Knockout and Beautiful People member Lacey Von Erich (aka Lacey Adkisson). She doesn’t shy away from talking about her predecessor in the group, the recently released Angelina Love, in less than flattering terms:
“I feel like it was made for me, and she [Angelina] wasn’t a good fit for it in my opinion,” Adkisson said. “. . . I thought that everybody was going to be, `Oh no. Angelina is gone,’ but not one person said that. Nobody really missed her that much. I feel like I can fill the shoes that I’m supposed to.
“TNA told me this role was made for me, and I feel the same way. So when I met the other members, Velvet and Madison, they are awesome. . . When I got there, we all just felt like we were one group, and the band was completed. . .
“I’ve never met Angelina before in my life. After what some people have said, I don’t know if I want to. I just feel like we can all be a group together and shine together, so I’m excited about that.”
Beyond her busy schedule these days (she’s also on Hulk Hogan’s Australian tour), Von Erich also talks about her days in WWE developmental, which she joined following a decision to follow in her father Kerry’s footsteps:
“I start watching the show, and I call Vince. I told him I’d check it out. He flew me out, and I went backstage at one of their Monday Night Raw events. I smelled the Bengay, and I saw the guys putting tape on like daddy did. I was just like, `Wow. This is where I want to be. It just feels right. It just feels like home.”’
She went on to talk about her impression of what WWE wanted out of her (and female wrestlers in general):
“So I’m starting to do my backflips off the ropes, and I’m jumping all over the place, and everything felt natural. WWE was saying, `Wait, you are just a girl. You can’t do all that stuff.’ However, it was really fun once I kind of understood the business today.
“They don’t want the women to be super talented. The girl cute wrestlers they want to stay girl cute wrestlers. Not something like a Von Erich who wants to go out and destroy everything, which is what I really wanted to do. But that’s not why I left or anything.'[she says she quit to spend more time with her family, including her young son]’
She cites recent WWE release Candice Michelle as someone who can vouch for WWE’s toxic backstage atmosphere when it comes to the Divas. She enjoys the atmosphere in TNA a lot more (they get beers after the shows!) and feels like she can reach her full potential there.