Man, I really can’t wait until the Baltimore Comic Con. Sure I head to the comic shop every week, but the Baltimore Comic Con is a great way to get some great deals.
For instance the con is a great place to score deals on trades and graphic novels. Seriously, for numerous reasons you can get some awesome deals on collections and graphic novels. Part of it is because the various vendors are competing with each other so there could literally be a better deal around the corner.
But another reason why there are deals to be had is because the stuff is priced to move. Particularly on Day Two, when the vendors don’t really want to lug the stuff back to their stores, so they’d rather just sell it for something. I mean, the place is like the best comic store you’ve been to, times a thousand.
So here are a few trades and graphic novels that I’m looking to pick up.
Dark Victory – I’ve got The Long Halloween and I enjoyed it. I figure I should pick up it’s sequel. Plus, I’d like to read something that Jeph Loeb wrote, that was actually good.
Marvel Noir – I love the whole Noir concept, but then again, I liked it the first time when it was called Elseworlds. Still, I’m a fan of all of the artists on the various Noir books and I find the tone very intriguing. I’m really hoping to find some of this in trades.
Vertigo Crime – Have I mentioned how much I enjoy different tones? Of the two Vertigo Crime graphic novels that have been released, I’m interested in both. I’m a fan of John Constantine and Brian Azzarello. Again, I’m keeping my eyes peeled for these.
Bayou – I’m not the biggest fan of webcomincs. As much as I applaud Zuda, I just can’t get behind it. That’s why I’m excited that Bayou has been printed. It’s the Zuda comic that I was most interested in, the art looks gorgeous and the story sounds compelling.
Brubaker – I’d like to get into some of Brubaker’s critically acclaimed stuff, like Sleeper, Criminal or Incognito. I can remember Daron raving about Sleeper years ago. Maybe it’s about time I find out what he was talking about.
DMZ – I’ve actually got the first year of this book in single issues, but I had to drop it. I promised myself that I’d start reading it in trades. I figure now is a good time to begin to follow through on that promise.
Me and the Devil Blues – I was introduced to this via the Glyphs Awards and it took my manga virginity. I fell in love with the story and art. I need to get the second volume. This is a pretty high priority for me personally.
The Question – I’ve heard nothing but good things about the O’Neill/Cowan run and about the character in general. I have the first trade and I might as well continue picking it up.
Heavy Liquid – I’ve just become a fan of Paul Pope in the past few years. I picked up 100% not too long ago and I’ve already got Batman Year 100. I’d really like to round things out with this story.
(Ok, now this is where my newly purchased Vertigo Encyclopedia comes into play. It’s reminded me of all of the stuff that I meant to pick up or introduced me to stuff that sounds cool.)
The Invisibles – I like spaced out Grant Morrison reads and I’ve heard that this is some good stuff. I figure if I can find a good deal, I’ll pick some up.
It’s a Bird – I really meant to get this book when it came out. I think that store just didn’t get it in or something. This isn’t really a high priority one
Swamp Thing – After reading “The Anatomy Lesson”, I’ve got to say that I’m very interested in what Alan Moore did with the character. I’m fully committed to begin collecting his run.
Terminal City – Um, I like Michael Lark’s art? That’s really all I’ve got for this one.
Congo Bill – I’ve picked up a few of the Vertigo interpretations of DC characters and I’ve enjoyed most of them. Plus, since I’m enjoying Bill in Robinson’s Justice League mini, I’m betting that knowing more about the character will be cool.
Unknown Soldier – I absolutely love the current ongoing title from Vertigo. I think it’s the best thing out. Still, I’d really like to try out the mini that predated it. I guess there’s supposed to be a link between the two books and I’d like to know that that is.
There you have it. That’s my list. And since I won’t be able to pick them all up feel free to leave comments on what you think I should put on priority.
Also, if you’re interested in attending the con just get to clicking – Baltimore Comic Con.
I’ll catch you next week.