Here is the latest update of Inside Pulse Wrestling’s OFFICIAL rankings of Ring of Honor. Rankings will be posted the first Friday of every month. Rankings are based on the Offical ROH Roster Page, which badly needs an update. Click Here for last month’s Rankings (as of September 4, 2009).
ROH World Champion – Austin Aries (since 6.13.09)
1. Davey Richards (3)
2. Chris Hero (6)
3. Roderick Strong (5)
4. Claudio Castagnoli (7)
5. Colt Cabana (NR)
6. Necro Butcher (10)
7. Delirious (9)
8. Kenny Omega (8)
9. Tyler Black (4)
10. Brent Albright (NR)
ROH Tag Team Champions – The American Wolves (since 4.10.09)
1. Jay & Mark Briscoe (2)
2. The Dark City Fight Club (3)
3. Kevin Steen & El Generico (1)
4. Austin Aries & Rhett Titus (NR)
5. Brent Albright & Bobby Dempsey (NR)
Unranked Wrestlers/Personalities
– Alex Payne
– Andy Ridge
– Bison Smith
– Bobby Cruise (Ring Announcer)
– Daizee Haze
– Dave Prazak (DVD/PPV Announcer)
– Erick Stevens
– Ernie Osiris
– Giuseppe di Lorento (Official Timekeeper)
– Grizzly Redwood
– Jerry Lynn
– Kenny King
– Kyle Durden (Backstage Correspondent/Interviewer)
– MsChif
– Paul Turner (Referee)
– Sami Callihan
– Sara Del Rey
– Silas Young
– Todd Sinclair (Senior Referee)
In this monthly feature, the Inside Pulse Wrestling editorial board ranks the Heavyweight and Tag Team within Ring of Honor. Rankings include the top ten Heavyweights, and the top five Tag Teams, plus regular, unlisted competitors.
These rankings take into account (in order):
-Current title status
-Declared and presumed storyline rankings
-Recent victories and quality of opponents
-Quality of matches (psychology, workrate, and entertainment value)
-Quality of TV exposure (length, placement during show, and crowd response)
Agree? Disagree? Share your thoughts below!